TS Member
And tracked can do that too... look at Gangsta Granny.Main benefit is the spinning so people could actually see certain effects instead of completely missing them. Don't think the system would work for a Haunted House style attraction though.
I think The Curse is fine as it is. The fixed position cars work because they take the riders in the direction they have to go but it's up to them where they look - therefore they're guaranteed to miss something and likely be on edge for the scares and this adds to the re-rideability because many will want to ride again to see bits they missed before. Make the cars spin spin and it becomes like a guided tour - "turning left we have a giant spider you must look at, now turning right to guarantee you'll see that jump scare etc." Having said that, the one area spinning cars could work in the Curse is inside the trommel to help disorientate the rider even more.
Also with fixed trains, you still have that feel of a traditional fun fair ghost train, adding to the atmosphere and experience.