First off, Gloomy Wood is perhaps in the best state I've seen it in. Yes, Merlin likely didn't have much to do with the area other than some tweaks here and there but those changes such as the crypt roof being moved to the entrance of Alton Manor is utter genius of theming reuse and whoever thought of that deserves a medal IMO. I might be sounding a bit OTT about the area being that good as you could argue it was always good but considering Merlin's track record with themed areas over the park, looking at you TWODW, and of rides that don't match the themed area, Wicker Man in MB and Rita for both Ug Land or Dark Forrest, it is nice to see a main ride and area for once all matching together which I can't remember the last time we had that.
Good to see the full queue line getting used although one downside is that it finds itself a bit too close to RMT which might clash with KC in which perhaps a small shelter to hide guests from seeing RMT might be the only gripe I have. Do like some of the gravestone gags (Uncle Duck is Flume Duck's canon name which I just find funny) although I will admit it can be a too heavy with Easter Egg gags but I don't really mind them TBH. Now with the Pre-show itself, simple and straight to the point in which I have nothing bad to say about it and do love the efforts although I'll admit I still wish we had the flaming face of Keith Sparks still in the fireplace for old time sake and as a wee tribute to the great man himself...
Now for the ride itself...overall, I find it very good although I will likely agree with many above that there are many black spaces that need filling, granted it is hard for me to get a better view of it from some dodgy POV footage but I can get a basic idea of what there is to be seen and I do have some things I'd like to point out. The dinning room sequence feels a little barren compared to before and I do wish we still had the demons or at least something in their place to give something more physical to the room to blend in with the projection effects. One thing I'm not a fan of is the trommel and before you get your pitch folks out it is not the tunnel itself, I'm delight that it is back working again and even from the POV footage it still does funny things with my head although what I don't like is that with the big skull face gone, it just makes the entrance look a lot poorer IMO as it needs something there to fill it up as well as the black space where the clock is.
Would have liked if they had kept the skull face and reused in some form, maybe even add smoke effects to the tunnel to really ramp up the effects to really screw with the mind. Now then comes a topic you'll likely all want to know what I think about...Uncle Duck's grand return. Honestly, he's just there in the background in which the jack in the box overshadows him. Don't get me wrong, it is great to see him back and how he looks pretty creepy now than what he looked before although they could have done something with him to act as another jump scare with the ride as with the many black spaces on the ride, surely they could place him someone there, add a strobe lighting effect and a demonic quack sound to bring him back to his nightmare fuel glory which honestly can be done quite easily. Almost like what they did with the demon under the bridge which was moved shortly after opened and place in a new location.
Speaking of which, I can see much of the budget went into the finale sequence in which you can see JW's fingerprints there in which he always wants a big finale sequence although I will say it can make the rest of the ride, mostly those that had little physical props of just black sequences, look cheap in comparison though not in bad way as most of the scenes look really good on their own, just compared to the finale can have some side effects. Anyway, I'm sure it'll look different by the time I do get to ride it all in the flesh, hopefully all still looking good by then, in which I can get to enjoy it more. Overall, its a very good ride and a much needed modern dark ride the country has been crying out for though honestly I'd still rank Hex as perhaps the best dark ride on the park overall though Alton Manor is a worthy edition to the park's line up and hopefully we'll see more non IP dark rides on the park to follow next if this proves to be a great success which I'm sure it will!