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2023: The Curse at Alton Manor

I really want to be excited for this, but with how the ride as a whole turned out (for me anyway) on opening day after nearly 6 months worth of work, it was pretty meh for me. I guess it just isn't my type of Ghost Trains anymore. Oh well.
I really want to be excited for this, but with how the ride as a whole turned out (for me anyway) on opening day after nearly 6 months worth of work, it was pretty meh for me. I guess it just isn't my type of Ghost Trains anymore. Oh well.

From the person that consistently posts that they want traditional effects?

This announcement confirms new peppers ghost AND animatronics…
From the person that consistently posts that they want traditional effects?

This announcement confirms new peppers ghost AND animatronics…
Trust me, I do like the announcement of addition of new effects, but I'm nervous they'll just be either dolls/toys/scarecrows on sticks, or just Emily jumping out. IDK, I just wish there'd be more variety of creatures in the ride like its predecessors. Each scene used to offer something completely different back then (apart from the Zombies, sod them.) I think Curse just lacks that variety, that's all.
Trust me, I do like the announcement of addition of new effects, but I'm nervous they'll just be either dolls/toys/scarecrows on sticks, or just Emily jumping out. IDK, I just wish there'd be more variety of creatures in the ride like its predecessors. Each scene used to offer something completely different back then (apart from the Zombies, sod them.) I think Curse just lacks that variety, that's all.
A peppers ghost Snowy would be cool, and cute 😍
Im really excited for the new updates i think gloomy woods during scarefest is going to be epic and the ride gets better and better everytime i go on it.
I think with the roaming actors already in the area it is like an unofficial scare zone eapecially if Emily comes out to play
I have to be honest and say that the Curse is a bit 'meh' for me, but I'm not a fan of this type of ride anyway (so don't read too much into that). However, I do like the new divisional director. Since she's started she's absolutely seemed willing to get stuck in and make herself present at appropriate times for enthusiasts and as you can see in this video seems to have a good relationship with some of staff. I'm under no illusions that she may not be able to carry out some of the positive things that she wants to for the park, but I think that will say more for the budgets that she's handed than anything else. We could really do with having those Towers ruins opened for a month or so next year though, nudge nudge, wink wink. That's still not a good look. Oh yeah, Hex and Skyride too...
True, but I'd rather have something completely different, like a new creature/apparition, perhaps a product of Emily's imagination?
That completely goes against the aesthetic and atmosphere of the ride and deviates to much from the story being told . just because you want random things popping up going "BOO" doesn't mean we should ruin the ride for it. can get plenty of that on any fairground ghost train
Toe curling video there but fair play for giving the ride the "improvements" it needs. They've kind of buried their heads in the sand over the negativity this ride receives on social media, but if they're going to make some decent changes then hopefully the ride will be closer to what it should be.
Toe curling video there but fair play for giving the ride the "improvements" it needs. They've kind of buried their heads in the sand over the negativity this ride receives on social media, but if they're going to make some decent changes then hopefully the ride will be closer to what it should be.
Pretty much any new ride, or pretty much any post Alton Towers make for that matter, gets a wholly negative response on social media. Its the nature of public profiles of any large organisation, particularly an, at times, questionably operated theme park. I think its less burying their heads in the sand and more just not feeding into the inevitable stream of, mostly, not particularly constructive negativity.
Toe curling video there but fair play for giving the ride the "improvements" it needs. They've kind of buried their heads in the sand over the negativity this ride receives on social media, but if they're going to make some decent changes then hopefully the ride will be closer to what it should be.

All rides that are not roller coasters get negativity on social media. They don’t use social media to evaluate the success of the ride they use their own internal KPI data collection. Social media is the worst way to evaluate any product as those who don’t like it are vocal and those who do like it are usually content and don’t post. That’s why active polling is a better metric.

We don’t need to go back into the whole point about how badly Hex was viewed in its opening season even after the changes. People don’t like dark rides as a headline attraction, they do like them once they are no longer the headline attraction, it’s just the idiosyncrasies of humanity.