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2023: The Curse at Alton Manor

This didn’t open until the afternoon today but I’ve had another 3 rides and all effects were spot on, on all 3 rides. Nice to see the new effects (smoke and heat before trommel, lightning bolt) in person since my last rides. Audio is also much better compared to my last visit in May, where the audio was overlapping/too quiet/too loud. Still very impressed with it. Smoke was pumping out of the pipes into the queue line around 5pm, it looked very atmospheric as it had spread across most of the open queue line, probably helped by the rain.
There's a chance this is just a speaker being changed or something but I don't think it is.the preshow audio has been reworked/ remixed a little at the end ( when thr UV lights come on) to sound a little more ethereal maybe? I quite like it and it adds more impact to Emily's disappearence. There's less if the music box during the UV portion
Cracking run through today. Everything worked. Really shows why it is so good.
It was running pretty well on my last visit a couple of weeks ago as well (apart from one irritating 'PUT THAT PHONE AWAY' announcement). Wasn't so good in the summer, I do think the need to open the air vents and let daylight in ruins the experience considerably. Would be good if they can come up with a solution to that.
It was running pretty well on my last visit a couple of weeks ago as well (apart from one irritating 'PUT THAT PHONE AWAY' announcement). Wasn't so good in the summer, I do think the need to open the air vents and let daylight in ruins the experience considerably. Would be good if they can come up with a solution to that.
Maybe a horizontal sheet of wood or black cloth hanging a few feet directly below them would work? Leave enough gap for air flow but low enough to hide the direct light coming in from the vents? Or just vertical sheets hanging by the side of them blocking the view to the ride vehicles where they can be seen?
Love the video, 👍 but please tell them to reupload the video many comments twitter/you tube that the video loses sound and becomes pixilated around the 2 minute mark after the trommel 🙏

It works fine for me? Possibly an issue your end?
For those who can't watch the video, there will be new:
  • pepper's ghost effects
  • animatronics
  • projections
  • sound effects
They have been working on these over the last few months. This is great news!
Indeed! As they said in the video, a dark ride is never really finished. Tweaks and improvements can always be made.
This might sound like a stupid question, but; are the changes permanent, or is this just a new overlay for Scarefest?

If they are permanent, then I think that this is great news!

Personally, I hope that the dark sections are where their efforts are centred; when riding in March, I felt that the hide and seek section in particular could have done with something extra to raise it to the standard of the rest of the ride.
This might sound like a stupid question, but; are the changes permanent, or is this just a new overlay for Scarefest?

If they are permanent, then I think that this is great news!

Personally, I hope that the dark sections are where their efforts are centred; when riding in March, I felt that the hide and seek section in particular could have done with something extra to raise it to the standard of the rest of the ride.

The changes are permanent, they are just coinciding the changes with the start of Scarefest.
They've also hinted at an exclusive Scarefest ride photo overlay. Just as well I've booked a photo pass eh! 😍
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