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2024: General Discussion

Sorry, did I just hear they're closing the gardens before tea time? Cbeebies will close shortly afterwards, and Sharkbait, with selected days closing an hour early (after which the monorail will basically be unrideable with how it's now operated), no X Sector flats, no Dark Forest flats, no Hex, no Skyride, and Rapids closing at dusk.

They struggle to get a good 6 hours of operation out of their rides now, so lord knows what availability will be like come 6 or 7pm. The Best season ever, just keeps getting better.

They're seriously thinking of charging people to come to this place, and charge them again for mazes when there's not really anything else to do because everything is either not open or snarled up with unacceptabley long queues?
Sorry, did I just hear they're closing the gardens before tea time?
they have done this for quite a while if I recall correctly, they did this during oktoberfest as the gardens don't have enough lighting, meaning it is a large hazard walking round them at night

Cbeebies will close shortly afterwards, and Sharkbait, with selected days closing an hour early (after which the monorail will basically be unrideable with how it's now operated), no X Sector flats, no Dark Forest flats, no Hex, no Skyride, and Rapids closing at dusk.

They struggle to get a good 6 hours of operation out of their rides now, so lord knows what availability will be like come 6 or 7pm. The Best season ever, just keeps getting better.

They're seriously thinking of charging people to come to this place, and charge them again for mazes when there's not really anything else to do because everything is either not open or snarled up with unacceptabley long queues?
like wise the rapids have been closed after dusk due to saftey concerns (rapids are a more dangerous ride, as they have large water currents and if you fall in your chances aren't good)

I don't think closing CBeebies or shark bait early would make much of a difference on the queues of the rides (unless 5 year olds are now able to ride nemesis) it will be busy because it is always busy, I recall John Wardley said in his book Halloween is the busiest time of the year. avaliability will be another question though and I do wonder on how busy CBeebies would be after dark.
they have done this for quite a while if I recall correctly, they did this during oktoberfest as the gardens don't have enough lighting, meaning it is a large hazard walking round them at night

like wise the rapids have been closed after dusk due to saftey concerns (rapids are a more dangerous ride, as they have large water currents and if you fall in your chances aren't good)

I don't think closing CBeebies or shark bait early would make much of a difference on the queues of the rides (unless 5 year olds are now able to ride nemesis) it will be busy because it is always busy, I recall John Wardley said in his book Halloween is the busiest time of the year. avaliability will be another question though and I do wonder on how busy CBeebies would be after dark.
Sharkbait isn't used exclusively by 5 year olds. Cbeebies is predominantly designed for under 5 year olds. Regardless of which 5 year olds are riding which rides, they don't visit the park alone, they have paying parents with them usually, and sometimes older siblings. And when they're away, they don't tend to go to bed at 6pm. Where do they all go after Mr Tumble and Postman Pat tell them to F-off because they're no longer welcome after tea time?

Being busy doesn't have anything to do with it. I've been going to Scarefest since the 2000's. I'm aware that it's busy, but you used to have 11 hours of the park being open throughout, and far more attractions to experience. That's the point.

If they've not let us in the gardens after 4 of 5pm at Scarefest for a while, I haven't noticed. First I've heard of it anyway. I wouldn't call it a "large" hazard walking around outside areas at night, a normal activity that the majority of us have frequently done (as well as being trusted to wait on train station platforms). But I get the lighting situation, and the potential hazards due to the uneven surfaces and remote location. But it's not dark at 5pm is it?

The rapids have only closed at dusk for a few years. In fact, it happened in the middle of a Scarefest a few years ago. I was riding them in the dark the night before, and they closed at dusk the following evening and have never reopened after that time since. Although I miss this and used to enjoy a night ride on them, I half get the safety reasons, although they could just light them if they really cared about guest experience (they don't).

But either way, with all this stuff closed, and ride availability being consistently poor this season, it's a recipe for a degraded experience compared to previous seasons wouldn't you say?
We hadn't really noticed the garden closure for a few years (until last year) because they were actually providing a decent experience by putting a light trail through there, so there was actually access to a decent chunk of them. But then you know, light trails are too much trouble nowadays. Basically all they want you to do is come and pay for scaremazes and then have to buy fastrack because otherwise there's nothing else to do but wait in horrendous queues because they've closed everything else 💩👎👎
Need to catchup on the thread but can’t see the source of the latest discussion.

What’s happened? Half the park shutting during scarefest extra hours?

Weirdly no nothings happened. CBeebies is closing at the time it’s always closed as is the gardens (which have never opened after dusk, unless you count one path at the top of the valley with some fairly lights for 1 season being open).

Everyone seems to have got stressed over absolutely nothing a whole month and a half before closed season 🤷‍♂️
Weirdly no nothings happened. CBeebies is closing at the time it’s always closed as is the gardens (which have never opened after dusk, unless you count one path at the top of the valley with some fairly lights for 1 season being open).

Everyone seems to have got stressed over absolutely nothing a whole month and a half before closed season 🤷‍♂️

Thanks for summarising.
Weirdly no nothings happened. CBeebies is closing at the time it’s always closed as is the gardens (which have never opened after dusk, unless you count one path at the top of the valley with some fairly lights for 1 season being open).

Everyone seems to have got stressed over absolutely nothing a whole month and a half before closed season 🤷‍♂️
Well that's not true, because on the light trail you could go down to the canal, bandstand, Le refuge and all that, for a start. Then there's the closure of the rapids and cutting an hour from the end of the day on certain days. A bit disingenuous to say nothing's happened.
I knew about the extra hour, ridiculous.

But the rapids I can kind of understand.
Also wasn’t the light trail bought in? And the company no longer exists?
Gardens being closed , along other attractions wasn’t the problem per-se, rather that they advertise “over 40 night time attractions” and i can’t count 35 even with the mazes
There are other people who can put up coloured lights though, so the fact that one company went bust shouldn't make any difference.

Depends on cost to the park mostly. Unlikely they'll have had the budget for such a thing.

Or those companies don't want to be associated with Towers.
Alton Towers would be more than capable of creating a light trail in the gardens. Once you go past the cost of setting it up, it costs little to run and adds something extra to the event.

The rapids being closed from 14th October is very poor. Closing after dark is fair enough, but for it to be closed during the busiest time of the season is crap. It covers a huge area and will be very noticeable to guests.
The disappearance of the light walk is a good metaphor for Alton’s long term problems.

They’ve invested a small amount of capital buying the first set of lights, they’ve added the electrical infrastructure to allow them to be used annually for Scarefest and Christmas.

But instead of re-installing and adding to that initial investment, despite having an AV team on site that seem more than capable, they’ve apparently abandoned the whole lot. So they will be sat in storage and the park won’t be making use of their fantastic existing assets and adding capacity and a different attraction to the park.

It’s just poor, short sighted and inconsistent.
They’ve invested a small amount of capital buying the first set of lights,
It's more than likely, if it was designed in house, that they rented the fixtures needed, for the relatively short duration of the project.

The lighting for Lightopia, at Christmas, would have been provided by the external company who produced it.