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[2024] Thorpe Park: Hyperia - Mack Hypercoaster

Double post, whip me.

I've found the photo @Bowser posted, or at least a version of. It was hidden in "Similar Posts", rather than in the reply thread.


From: https://x.com/BHA_HypEeria/status/1810753310581796932

The photo is a different one entirely, to the one used by DigitalDan, but it is similar in angle. The photo is more washed out, with a lower contrast and slightly different image processing. There isn't much, if any difference, in white balance though, which is why the photos don't look terrible difference in their "gold".

It's still quite noticeable though.
The photo posted by Digital Dan is also clearly a more recent one, as there is more dirt/weathering/marking on the concrete trough that is around the track, whereas said concrete looks really quite clean in the other photo.

Either way, it's not looking great!
It's a shame Hyperia is presented so horribly. 'Front-of-house' looks mostly okay (very Cedar Fair-esque) but the ride area itself is a right mess.

All it really needs is some landscaping and grass around the ride area, paint the concrete around the splashdown and base of the lift-hill, and add some form of filtering system to the splashdown element.

Keeping the splashdown off so early into the ride's operation is naff. Hopefully some more effort goes in over the closed season.
Bye bye splash down then? Since they cut back the costs for the rest of the plaza and binned off the viewing area, it's become a trim brake-run with some water squirting out that no sod ever sees. Now it's just a trim brake-run.

Still, good excuse to rip up the rusty track and build the second half of the layout now.
Dug out my 25 year old Mongoose BMX today and even that looks better than Hyperia's splashdown track.

I've been that bothered about the half arsed presentation of Hyperia, because it's a great ride, and Thorpe to me has always been a bit of a Six Flags style dump that doesn't necessarily need great themeing.

But yeah it really does look awful back there. Typical Merlin being tight and doing the bare minimum with the product and prioritising maximum marketing hype.