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[2024] Thorpe Park: Hyperia - Mack Hypercoaster

I think they know the issue is plain, and they intend to put things right properly in the closed season, in house, properly.
Landscaping is often last minute and cut time wise in development.
Stuff needs to grow, and needs space to grow.
As a professional part time gardener and full time thoosie of fifty years standing, I think I can honestly say that the planting and maintenance of the garden areas of thorpe are absolutely excellent compared to the state of everything at the Towers.
I did a sneaky ert of the lovely remaining sunken garden, alone and in peace, for a good hour.
Front row benches, all three, walk on, and stunning.
The garden areas around the rides, Inferno and Colossus come to mind, are excellent and well maintained, proper posh planting of warm exotics benefiting from the mild climate.
All the Hyperia planting is new, and it has been a pretty dry summer, not a time to do successful planting.
Thoosies always want things yesterday...give it time, the ride is open, just, the gardens will come on.
Most importantly... HOW WERE THE KEBABS?
Hyperia was running absolutely beautifully today. It opened about 10 minutes after opening time and ran throughout the day without any downtime.

Single rider queue seemed to be longer than the main queue for a lot of the day though and the main queue was at 40-45 minutes for most of the day. Operations are as slick as usual though 👏