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Anything Radioactive Topic

This year's open days for the Cuckfield ROC post have been announced. I went a few years ago and highly reccomend it. Very interesting, very well preserved, and very friendly volunteers. Even just finding it involves a very nice country walk.
It goes without saying it's not the most accessable place to visit though. You'll need to climb the ladder to get in and out. (Good pair of boots would be my reccomendation, based on how muddy it was when wee visited. ;) )
  • Saturday 13th July – 12pm to 4pm
  • Sunday 14th July – 10am to 1pm
  • Saturday 10th Aug – 12pm to 4pm
  • Sunday 11th Aug 10am to 1pm
More info:
Does anyone remember the NS Savannah? It was a merchant and civilian nuclear powered ship. Unsurprisingly, from the U.S.A during their nuclear crazy era in the 1940's / 1950's, when nuclear power was seen as this miracle technology and the United States wanted everything nuclear powered all the time. *Cough* Ford Nucleon *Cough*. I can see even less problems arising from allowing the peasants access to nuclear powered cars it's totally fine. Again even less risky, their nuclear powered jets that they wanted to build. The 40's and 50's were a wild time, man.

I can see no problems arising from the general population being let loose with nuclear technology, yeah. Nothing to see here.

Now if you do not mind, I have to go and play with my completely safe toy...

American Flyer Trains 1951, page 43.jpg
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If it makes anyone feel better, in the middle of a solar storm, I''m still getting below average readings on my Geiger counter.
..... at what point does "below average" become the new average?
Well, I had been enjoying post Eurovision drinks on Discord. We had all called it a night, (and for once in my life I was the sober one!) M'lady was getting up for work in about half an hour, so rather than wake her by going to bed, I was having a ciggie on the balcony, waiting for the sun to come up. Looking at the sky, the recent aurora came to mind, and I wondered. So I grabbed my geiger counter.
That's really all there was to it. Happy now? ;)
Acceptable I suppose, but generally inappropriate behaviour for our age bracket.
Eurovision until sun rise, well done.
I got up in the night to pee off the balcony, no aurora here either.
And I didn't whip a geiger counter out with my free hand.
Discovered diogo?*

Not really discovery when it has big brown tourist signs...come on!

I spent a large portion of my youth sheltering from the rain in air raid shelters.
Huge one in the local park, another at the bottom of the garden, third one in the town centre for years...an unlocked door on a bombsite car park that was an underground party site for years...where we learn the freedom of access that could be gained using the old family set of long handled bolt cutters...if you cut the padlock neatly, and do no other damage, you have sheltered access for sports and games underground for years...
Even had lighting!

*My reading error, sight issues due to attempting reading before early morning medications.
Covered, not discovered...you northern prat.
Stand easy, as you were.
You tube videos were one of the things I had to reduce doing, due to real world/personal sanity issues.
That and ridetimes in general.

Radioactive shit has always been really good fun though...I can tell vaseline glass from green tinted and uranium stuff now, staggering round the old shopping arcades on Lord Street in Southport...you can get lost in there for whole days on end.
Dont take any old measuring devices with you though, they would only accuse you of nicking it!
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This popped up on my timeline earlier, along side many of his other channels. I do enjoy his megaprojects channel, a few are good.

He does so much content. I just hope he doesn't live every second of his life like he's presenting a video. "Welcome to living room, where I discover that tiredness has now overcome me. I'm Simon Whistler, and I say goodnight to my wife on what is my latest episode. Of going to bed."

Gonna watch this I think. I mock him.but he does have a very rare talent of being able to present in a factual way, without being condescending or dull.
Yeah, I think SW is a full time, 9-5, 5-day-week 'tuber, with a whole team of writers and editors behind him. I've never known any one person with more channels. I don't follow all his channels, there's not enough time in the day, and I currently subcribe to ... *checks* ... 345, bloody hell I need to get out more!

Ahem. Anyway...

I spent a large portion of my youth sheltering from the rain in air raid shelters.
*My reading error, sight issues due to attempting reading before early morning medications.
And my reading error almost caused me to respond with, "....Dude, how old are you‽".
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