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Blackpool Pleasure Beach: 2024 Discussion

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Tbf minimum wage has increased by 40% since 2019 and energy costs by considerably more - it doesn’t excuse the lack of anything new or the continual removal of attractions, but does go someway to explain why the ticket prices would need to increase.
Tbf minimum wage has increased by 40% since 2019 and energy costs by considerably more - it doesn’t excuse the lack of anything new or the continual removal of attractions, but does go someway to explain why the ticket prices would need to increase.
Yes , no problem with prices going up but they have gone up 80% , not 40%, and most peoples wages have not gone up by 40% since 2019

My council wage has gone up by about 18% since 2019. So pleasure beach prices have gone up over 4 times more than my wages.

And everyone's energy prices have gone up.
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Yes , no problem with prices going up but they have gone up 80% , not 40%, and most peoples wages have not gone up by 40% since 2019

My council wage has gone up by about 18% since 2019. So pleasure beach prices have gone up over 4 times more than my wages.

And everyone's energy prices have gone up.

For businesses that are paying min wage for the majority of their wage bill like theme parks, the 40% increase is going to hit them more proportionality than those that don’t pay many staff min wage to start with.

Merlin have for example outsourced all their food and beverage staff costs to Aramark completely wiping that cost off the business, meaning they don’t need to find that extra cash by putting up the ticket prices. Of course in reality guests are still paying for that increase, but in the criminally high food prices, since that is where some of that higher wage bill will be clawed back instead.

Energy wise whilst everyone’s cost have gone up, for businesses it’s well over a 100% increase on average versus prices in 2021. This will of course depend on the specific contract they have but BPB aren’t in the best position versus someone like Merlin who can sign an energy deal across all their UK sites for example to benefit from economies of scale due to their high usage.

I guess that I am saying is that if you compare the full cost of a theme park day out and not just tickets, BPB’s increases are probably not far off others - it’s just structured differently from park to park.
I guess that I am saying is that if you compare the full cost of a theme park day out and not just tickets, BPB’s increases are probably not far off others - it’s just structured differently from park to park.

Towers may have ramped up the food prices, but you can take a picnic if you want to avoid the current crazy catering prices.

And a look at a few other parks price comparisons on peak days....

Great Yarmouth
2019: £18.25
2024: £24.00
Increase: 31%

Alton Towers
2019: £33
2024: £37
Increase: 12%

Poultons Park (Price includes parking)
2019: £32.75
2024: £43.50
Increase: 32%

Blackpool Pleasure Beach
2019: £25
2024: £43
Increase: 72%

Poultons have made significant ride investment since 2019.
Great Yarmouth have added some new rides although they did lose the log flume.
Nothing new from towers apart from a retheme and a retrack, but things are in the pipeline.
Nothing new at Blackpool and they have 3 rides SBNO compared to 2019 and they have also cut their opening hours and scrapped the walkround pass.
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Interestingly a premium Hot Ice seat in 2019 would have cost you £25
In 2024 it is £28

An increase of just 12% , while the park prices have gone up 72%

I think that says it all really !
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I guess that I am saying is that if you compare the full cost of a theme park day out and not just tickets, BPB’s increases are probably not far off others - it’s just structured differently from park to park.

But the important thing though is in that timeframe most of the other major parks in the UK have launched new rides (or refreshed some older ones). Since 2018 most parks have been able to offer something new to entice guests in and help justify any price increases but BPB looks like it’s going backwards.

Edit - I see that [mention]shakey [/mention] has just made this point. It’s not a good look for Pleasure Beach when they not only haven’t offered a new ride in years but also currently have several sitting there SBNO. Since 2018 Paulton’s, Drayton, CWOA, and Emerald Park just across the water have all made a statement of intent with whole new areas opening up. Thorpe are about to open a hypercoaster, and Mingo Land opened Sik. LLW have just opened their new coaster. Even Fantasy Island (Harrington Flint & The Guardian) and Aventure Island (Vertigo) have offered something new. That’s absolutely damming for Pleasure Beach in that they’ve decreased their ride offering in that time.
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Even Pleasure Beech Great Yarmouth is making Blackpool PB look silly. It's a well run (but smaller) park which regularly turns a profit, is reasonably priced and has actually refreshed it's ride lineup in the last few years.

I'm sure Amanda doesn't need reminding that if you stand still in the theme park industry you get left behind. They really needed something new this year even if it was just a flat ride like a Gyro swing it's a least a reason for people to visit.
Funnily for all the talk of BPB not doing discounts or marketing I just saw an advert for £20 tickets to celebrate Eurovision.
Are you sure it's not their £20 'fan zone' event?

(park entry not included, of course)
Funnily for all the talk of BPB not doing discounts or marketing I just saw an advert for £20 tickets to celebrate Eurovision.

That looks like it’s an offer for the Eurovision fan zone in the evening (7pm to midnight) after the park closes, I don’t think the rides will be running.

(Just beaten to it by the reply above).
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As well as painting the station, the track for grand Prix appears to have been tidied. All rubbish and leaves cleared, and the bushes and grass have been cut. Looks better now than it did when it was open!
Gotta make it look nice for the few people who're gonna fork over 50 quid for this snake oil "event". I'd rather pay that much to ride the Mouse again
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