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Blackpool Pleasure Beach: 2024 Discussion

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Am I the only one who thinks going for the height record again is a bad idea? The sheer cost along could bankrupt the park that's not to mention issues with wind and lack of space for such a ride.

Pleasurebeech need to live within their means.
To retake the coaster height record would bring the punters in. Unlike Icon.

Yes it would be expensive (which is why they probably won't attempt it). But it would almost certainly increase footfall to the park without much marketing. And ultimately that is the aim of any new attraction.

I am sure with modern technology they could design a coaster that works better in the wind than the Big One.

It would be great to see but highly unlikely given the park appears to be struggling to even maintain what they have got.

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Radio silence on here regarding Grand Prix event. Did anyone go? I saw some clips on YouTube including a speech from Mandy, no word on a replacement ride though. Why get rid if not planning to replace?

That’s another ride gone from the lineup. I was there yesterday with my son, but wasn’t gonna pay £100 to ride GP. Still had a good day, but no Big One (wind), still no River Caves (leak) & Ice Blast (awaiting part), and no Dora (large stack of timber on the station floor)
Radio silence on here regarding Grand Prix event. Did anyone go? I saw some clips on YouTube including a speech from Mandy, no word on a replacement ride though. Why get rid if not planning to replace?

That’s another ride gone from the lineup. I was there yesterday with my son, but wasn’t gonna pay £100 to ride GP. Still had a good day, but no Big One (wind), still no River Caves (leak) & Ice Blast (awaiting part), and no Dora (large stack of timber on the station floor)
Was thinking that myself. Woke up this morning expecting about 100 notifications on the BPB thread…tumbleweed. I’m guessing it was disappointing.
Looks like @rob666 was right.

No announcement, not even the slightest hint.

Not sure how the park are going to make ends meet with what will probably be more dwindling attendances over the next couple of years due to the lack of investment.

Just watched a vlog of the event. Massive queue for the grand Prix. Which broke down at one point.

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All sounds very sad. Was still hoping to visit when my son hits 1.3 to ride Big One and Icon in the next year or two but dread to think what state things will be in by then and Hyperia makes such a long trip fairly redundant.
Hyperia vs concussion the ride, what a choice!
The word is...they were planning a big new announcement...
But Mandy pulled the plug because she wasn't quite sure.

Oh, and as a mature gentleman, could I just add...

Told you so, bloody obvious, just more sodding cuts.
Announcement my arse.

Thank you.
Sorry Rob, you were right. The rest of us were too busy edging over a potential new ride 😂

Having just watched 'Ride Comparisons' Vlog from the Event, Amanda simply stated "Times change, we need to move forward, and we need to create new spaces to develop new attractions here."
I was there... honestly, very underwhelming and I didn't particularly enjoy it for the most part.

Main reason for me was that the atmosphere felt strange, I can't quite put my finger on what it was, but it just wasn't very fun. I got my last ride around to say goodbye which was nice for sentimental reasons, although I did queue for almost an hour... and otherwise I was somewhat disappointed.

Car 1 (red) stopped just before the return spiral, and it took quite a while for them to fix it, but to their credit they had plenty of staff looking at it (including Mr Hygate) but they did have to evac.

Around the start they had a band playing with basically no one watching as far as I could tell, a shame as they weren't bad. The supercar lineup consisted of a Ferrari and an Audi R8 that both left before 9pm. The music after the band had finished was very loud around the station, and then stopped around 8:30pm ish? So it was awkwardly quiet with the odd noise from people.

Asked whether there was a non-alcoholic alternative for the free prosecco as I don't drink, was given a puzzled look and told "I don't know, sorry".

I'd been at the Pleasure Beach all day so I was slightly tired and the weather was poor which didn't help things. I also went alone and didn't see anyone I know, so again, that didn't help. Many of the people in attendance were not at all who I expected.

First BPB event I've ever done, and I had very high expectations after having been at the Nemesis Reborn VIP event and having heard much praise on previous events there, so it absolutely won't stop me from doing more in the future, just my thoughts. Was it worth the (high) £50 ticket? Not for me.

Edit: And just while I remember, did Grand National a couple of times during the day, and as I haven't done it for at least 15 years I can't really remember how rough it used to be, but I had a back row ride just before 5pm and it was one of the most painful and violent rides on a roller coaster that I've ever had. :worried: (it seems after searching, this has been the case for years, I just didn't quite realise)
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Imagine my suprise, the park looked busy today with people taking advantage of the discount ticket offer. Who knew that promotional offers work and having more people in you park increases spend in the park.

More of this Pleasure Beech please

Eh, I was there. It looked busy, but no ride had more than a 20 minute queue and that was just down to bad ops. But, I haven't been to the park for nearly 10 years so I don't know common that is for a sunny Saturday like today.
And just while I remember, did Grand National a couple of times during the day, and as I haven't done it for at least 15 years I can't really remember how rough it used to be, but I had a back row ride just before 5pm and it was one of the most painful and violent rides on a roller coaster that I've ever had. :worried: (it seems after searching, this has been the case for years, I just didn't quite realise)

It’s reasonably common knowledge (at least to regular BPB nerds) that the wheel seats on Nash (so that is two thirds of the train!) give a rough ride. They are quite bad, most of us know to ride the middle row of each car when at all possible, rows 2, 5, or 8. It makes a big difference. Second from back row on both Nash and Dipper are fantastic.

I can totally see how a first visit in 15 years would make one think it was painful and violent, but really for regular riders we’re kind of used to it and perhaps desensitised, and maybe we like the pain in some weird way. That said, I most definitely avoid those wheel seats (front & back row of each car). Doing this is easier still on Dipper as you have both the middle rows of each car to go on.
It’s reasonably common knowledge (at least to regular BPB nerds) that the wheel seats on Nash (so that is two thirds of the train!) give a rough ride. They are quite bad, most of us know to ride the middle row of each car when at all possible, rows 2, 5, or 8. It makes a big difference. Second from back row on both Nash and Dipper are fantastic.

I can totally see how a first visit in 15 years would make one think it was painful and violent, but really for regular riders we’re kind of used to it and perhaps desensitised, and maybe we like the pain in some weird way. That said, I most definitely avoid those wheel seats (front & back row of each car). Doing this is easier still on Dipper as you have both the middle rows of each car to go on.

I did do row 2 earlier in the day, and I did know before yesterday that wheel seats were worse... I guess I just don't really put much weight in things until I've experienced it myself :grimacing: dreading my first time on Infusion as I've never done that either...

I did go on Valhalla for the first time in 20+ years last Saturday and kept getting launched out of my back row seat on the drops, which meant my poncho that I had neatly tucked under myself got blown half way up my back so when I landed I landed in a lot of water on the seat. Did enjoy it a lot apart from that.

You'd never know BPB has always been one of my favourite places in the world despite not visiting for many years at a time and still having not ridden a few of the rides. :rolleyes:
We can't really keep blaming the poor general public/service user/lower level thoosie for sitting in the wrong seats anymore dippy.
The ride is now simply that rough and shit, simple.
You shouldn't have to grow a lardarse for comfort, select the correct seat, fiddle the belt, sneak the clicks on the bar, and pray to St Christopher before every ride...
The old cars were loads better.
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