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Blackpool Pleasure Beach: 2024 Discussion

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Like with any BPB statistic, you need to take that one with a bucket full of salt ;)

Watched episode 1, it's absolutely wild!

Would be inconceivable for a theme park to give access like that now, actually showing them respond to a rollercoaster crash.

I think it's the grainy footage but it feels more like the late 1970s, i don't recognise it as my childhood. Those vermin assaulting the girl and getting a caution, the security making throwaway sexist remarks to her, the offer of a cup of tea as a solution to everything, seems like another world. I can't believe it's from 1997 :tearsofjoy:
It’s from a BBC (?) documentary from the 90s. You can watch it all on YouTube here
From: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL559F90404F1EFC2C&si=Dbxg1H3kK8pSrR4B

It is very educational. Best seen to be believed. Different times, I think the saying goes 😁

just seeing the first 10-20 mins is horrifying, say what you like about current ops and up time for any park, but I think it is important to remember that often the park has to close a ride or risk something happening, you don't just stand over the maintenance people shouting at them to get the ride open as that will lead to mistakes which will then lead to accidents, and whilst I am sure that it was nicer to have there is a larger chance of something happening and after seeing this, I think it is probably a good thing that the park switched from PPR because it encourages them to allow for down time on rides, and hopefully removes that toxic managment.
Also further vindication for @rob666 in episode 2 when there's a fake bomb scare, the park is heaving at well past 10 30pm.

Poor ice skater lady falling over every time :(

Can't believe that bloody show is still going 30 years later. Starting to see where the "affection" for Amanda Thompson comes from though.
If you haven't done the ice show, it is worth doing...once.
A few rides and beer, then a nice sit down, in the dark, on very tight seats, designed for a nineteen thirties arse, with a family sweepstake bet on how many fallers...usually in the range 1 to 5, in every performance, because mandy makes em do the hard stuff.
All good fun, just not worth keeping going from the poor audience it gets...money pit.
I've just spent a very dull work meeting skimming through the 2023 financial report for the Pleasure Beach. Now I'm not the most adept at reading these things, but a couple of things made themselves obvious:

The park is barely servicing it's accumulated debt.
Without the post-covid revenge travel boom, it made a loss of half a million quid.
The best paid director (presumably Mands?) is paid an amount that is 50% of the salary budget for the entire operating staff.

It's been fairly obvious that visitor numbers are down YoY 23-24. It's also fairly obvious that the park is horrifically struggling with OPEX spend - Grand Prix, Ice Blast, River Caves etc etc etc. So some armchair thoosification from a long time lurker (I'm basically trying to grab a square on the bingo card):

2024 financial report will report another operation loss, at least 500k but I'll say up to 2mil.
Park will attempt to restructure the loans again. This is a 50/50 coin toss for me - they've done it once already, but given the 2008 financial crisis this isn't the foregone conclusion it used to be. If they're successful, the park will have another year doing exactly the same and posting the same poor results, which will lead to the next step. If they fail to restructure, it'll be a shortcut to...
Sale of the operating business of the Pleasure Beach Amusement Park to one of the big industry operators. Now I don't think this would actually be Merlin, because part of this deal would be a requirement for the new owners to pay for a Hot Ice show (run by HeadInTheClouds, a MandyINC business) and the hotels would remain under the existing Pleasure Beach company (as it's the only thing that makes money). I don't know who owns the land (I *think* it's Plesh, but people more in the know will correct me), but this will be leased to the new operating company for £1 for 5 years.
New owners will tidy the place up - F&B will get better, as will operations. We'll get a couple of decent ride investments, but nothing groundbreaking. Park will do 'fine' (lower case f) but it won't exactly be flying.
At some point, the poor performance of the hot ice show (actual bums on seats/ticket sales vs cost to operators) will be examined and the new owners will realise it's horseshit.
Huge falling out between New Owners and existing Pleasure Beach because of this. Operating deal falls through. PB are unable to take control because of debt and end up having to sell The Lot (site, hotels etc) to Merlin, who are very interested because Universal is about to open.

At this point my crystal ball needs recharging and I want a brew. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
Geoff Thompson favourite line get that bloody thing open
Ha! Was Geoff the owner?

I'm fully addicted to this show now, love it.

Stopping The Big One at the top of the lift-hill for a wedding, amazing.

Seems to be a running theme in the violent troublemakers but enough about that :grimacing:

Missing child reunion was certainly a tearjerker. Whereas the obviously faked fertility couple was unintentional comedy gold.

Definitely need a 30th anniversary revisit show.
Stopping The Big One at the top of the lift-hill for a wedding, amazing.

Seems to be a running theme in the violent troublemakers but enough about that :grimacing:
Amusingly, the couple had an anniversary photo done just last week...featured on the local tv news...stopped on the top of the lift hill again!

And the violence really was a constant issue, and probably the biggest single issue with regard to gated entry...making the punters feel safe again.
Ha! Was Geoff the owner?

I'm fully addicted to this show now, love it.

Stopping The Big One at the top of the lift-hill for a wedding, amazing.

Seems to be a running theme in the violent troublemakers but enough about that :grimacing:

Missing child reunion was certainly a tearjerker. Whereas the obviously faked fertility couple was unintentional comedy gold.

Definitely need a 30th anniversary revisit show.

Get that bloody thing open was the famous line of JR, not Geoffrey. JR speaks that line many times in the docuseries.

Sounds like Pleasure Beach are drowning in their own debt. Major changes need to happen soon else the park will be no more.
I've just spent a very dull work meeting skimming through the 2023 financial report for the Pleasure Beach. Now I'm not the most adept at reading these things, but a couple of things made themselves obvious:

The park is barely servicing it's accumulated debt.
Without the post-covid revenge travel boom, it made a loss of half a million quid.
The best paid director (presumably Mands?) is paid an amount that is 50% of the salary budget for the entire operating staff.

It's been fairly obvious that visitor numbers are down YoY 23-24. It's also fairly obvious that the park is horrifically struggling with OPEX spend - Grand Prix, Ice Blast, River Caves etc etc etc. So some armchair thoosification from a long time lurker (I'm basically trying to grab a square on the bingo card):

2024 financial report will report another operation loss, at least 500k but I'll say up to 2mil.
Park will attempt to restructure the loans again. This is a 50/50 coin toss for me - they've done it once already, but given the 2008 financial crisis this isn't the foregone conclusion it used to be. If they're successful, the park will have another year doing exactly the same and posting the same poor results, which will lead to the next step. If they fail to restructure, it'll be a shortcut to...
Sale of the operating business of the Pleasure Beach Amusement Park to one of the big industry operators. Now I don't think this would actually be Merlin, because part of this deal would be a requirement for the new owners to pay for a Hot Ice show (run by HeadInTheClouds, a MandyINC business) and the hotels would remain under the existing Pleasure Beach company (as it's the only thing that makes money). I don't know who owns the land (I *think* it's Plesh, but people more in the know will correct me), but this will be leased to the new operating company for £1 for 5 years.
New owners will tidy the place up - F&B will get better, as will operations. We'll get a couple of decent ride investments, but nothing groundbreaking. Park will do 'fine' (lower case f) but it won't exactly be flying.
At some point, the poor performance of the hot ice show (actual bums on seats/ticket sales vs cost to operators) will be examined and the new owners will realise it's horseshit.
Huge falling out between New Owners and existing Pleasure Beach because of this. Operating deal falls through. PB are unable to take control because of debt and end up having to sell The Lot (site, hotels etc) to Merlin, who are very interested because Universal is about to open.

At this point my crystal ball needs recharging and I want a brew. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
I know some rumours have suggested that Amanda was actually set to announce a new ride at the Grand Prix event, but didn't for XYZ reason. But do we actually believe this given the parks financial situation? And if not, does that lend credence to the notion that it's all a game of keeping up appearances whilst in dire straits?
I've just spent a very dull work meeting skimming through the 2023 financial report for the Pleasure Beach. Now I'm not the most adept at reading these things, but a couple of things made themselves obvious:

The park is barely servicing it's accumulated debt.
Without the post-covid revenge travel boom, it made a loss of half a million quid.
The best paid director (presumably Mands?) is paid an amount that is 50% of the salary budget for the entire operating staff.

It's been fairly obvious that visitor numbers are down YoY 23-24. It's also fairly obvious that the park is horrifically struggling with OPEX spend - Grand Prix, Ice Blast, River Caves etc etc etc. So some armchair thoosification from a long time lurker (I'm basically trying to grab a square on the bingo card):

2024 financial report will report another operation loss, at least 500k but I'll say up to 2mil.
Park will attempt to restructure the loans again. This is a 50/50 coin toss for me - they've done it once already, but given the 2008 financial crisis this isn't the foregone conclusion it used to be. If they're successful, the park will have another year doing exactly the same and posting the same poor results, which will lead to the next step. If they fail to restructure, it'll be a shortcut to...
Sale of the operating business of the Pleasure Beach Amusement Park to one of the big industry operators. Now I don't think this would actually be Merlin, because part of this deal would be a requirement for the new owners to pay for a Hot Ice show (run by HeadInTheClouds, a MandyINC business) and the hotels would remain under the existing Pleasure Beach company (as it's the only thing that makes money). I don't know who owns the land (I *think* it's Plesh, but people more in the know will correct me), but this will be leased to the new operating company for £1 for 5 years.
New owners will tidy the place up - F&B will get better, as will operations. We'll get a couple of decent ride investments, but nothing groundbreaking. Park will do 'fine' (lower case f) but it won't exactly be flying.
At some point, the poor performance of the hot ice show (actual bums on seats/ticket sales vs cost to operators) will be examined and the new owners will realise it's horseshit.
Huge falling out between New Owners and existing Pleasure Beach because of this. Operating deal falls through. PB are unable to take control because of debt and end up having to sell The Lot (site, hotels etc) to Merlin, who are very interested because Universal is about to open.

At this point my crystal ball needs recharging and I want a brew. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
Can someone enlighten me - if all the companies are under the parent company Pleasure Beach (Holdings) Limited and they overall are in the black, are they able to shuffle cash around their subsidiary companies to cover any debts?
I know some rumours have suggested that Amanda was actually set to announce a new ride at the Grand Prix event, but didn't for XYZ reason. But do we actually believe this given the parks financial situation? And if not, does that lend credence to the notion that it's all a game of keeping up appearances whilst in dire straits?
I think you can read between the lines from what we’ve seen this season to give some weight to that theory:

- Ice Blast / PlayStation awaiting a repair? Anyone only has to look at the state of it.

- Grand Prix only announced as not reopening at the start of this year.

- The state of other rides such as River Caves

- Rumours there’ll be no more work on retracking The Big One

- Short notice offers such as last weekend and Fathers Day

- General anecdotes of how empty the park regularly is.

I’m probably forgetting things too!
They are doing crap, but on balance...
The park is often empty in off peak May and early June, always has been the quietest daily opening.
They have often done short notice offers, especially in June.
It has been said Taziker will not be doing any more replacement work on the Big One, not that no more work will be done on the ride.

And do we believe in a big new ride coming, but mandy changed her mind at the last minute?

Can someone enlighten me - if all the companies are under the parent company Pleasure Beach (Holdings) Limited and they overall are in the black, are they able to shuffle cash around their subsidiary companies to cover any debts?
Indeed the only accounts that matter are that of the holding company. With others borrowing between each other. The holding company is in the best overall position it has ever been as of the latest accounts. ( with the exception of 2022 when it was better ) The most important figure to look at is total equity which is currently almost +12m. This is on paper how much money there would be for shareholders if everything was sold and all debt was paid. ( in reality would be a lot more as many assets are fully depreciated )

If you look back to the late 90s when everyone says the park was better ran and making a fortune the 1998 accounts for just the park lost £500k. and In 1999 they lost £1.3million. It’s nothing new and no reflection of overall financial position or how its ran. Even if you look at debt back then, you can see it’s nothing new and was more than today. Debt can increase in a year even when loans are paid. They must make money somewhere or how have they paid over £10million off for the Icon loans since it was built 6 years ago. Any new ride again will have its own loan/s. Based on how much they have borrowed in the past I would say they could go up to £20m for a new ride/s.

The holding company doesn’t include the Boulevard hotel which is separate and there i would guess as backup support for the future
Ep 4 and JR is trying to 'get the damn thing going" with The Big One.... in 50mph winds! What's the threshold for it these days?
Well now i'm in bits after seeing the dog have 15 puppies! :sob:

Anyway sorry to takeover the thread, i really am loving this show so back on topic somewhat, i cannot fathom what they were thinking approving this. Showing rides breaking down, distraught customers, drunks assaulting people and so on, it's hardly a glowing advert for the park? Suppose i'm viewing it through the eyes of modernity. Was there any comment from the park at the time on the series?

Also is JR still alive?
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