TS Member
Does the value that this thing is attracting not a further demonstration of how silly the premature demolition was?
Now I’m not talking about keeping the thing operating, rather just stood for a year. Given the value of these bids, there would clearly be money to be made in offering tours of the ride for this season before its demolition. There are demonstrably people willing to pay money to experience this type of offer. Emotion and nostalgia aside, from a purely financial standpoint this shows how wrong a decision the demolition was.
I agree with your sentiments. Around the time @rob666 started saying he thought the Mouse would squeak no more, I heard late last season that apparently the maintenance budget was 'zero' for Wild Mouse for the 2018 season. To that end they could have had it SBNO for a season, during which time they could have gauged public opinion, ie if people were asking frequently about it to park staff, then they'd get a clear indication of how it was being missed in the park's line up and may have reopened it. IF they could have got it insured, that is <lights blue touchpaper>.
The decision to demolish Wild Mouse was made far too quickly IMO, we're not talking about a bog standard ride, it was one of the most unique coasters in the world and something BPB should have been proud of. Whilst I'm usually against having rides SBNO, giving Mouse a year out may have been enough time for them to have thought of a solution ready for 2019 which could have possibly kept the ride operating.
Instead, they demolished it quickly because they could do it without people knowing, and then didn't even have the decency to announce it properly or hold an event of any kind. They are a horrendous organisation and I'll never lose sight of that despite enjoying the rides there!
This statement is somewhat harsh, but you're entitled to your opinion (& lucky not to have your season pass revoked talking like that!
As someone who grew up 20 minutes from the park, riding that thing most weekends through long periods of my life, I am sad to see it go, but stuff happens, the park continues to evolve and change.
I never got to ride the Rainbow Wheel, but if people had insisted that remained they'd never have built the Mouse.
Don't be sad it's over, be happy that it happened.
This is true, but I agree with a heavy heart as I REALLY loved the Mouse, and the Log Flume, and the Monorail. I'm actually still gutted about the Monorail especially as most of the track is still in place, and they can't exactly fit other rides into the space it took up. As such, I have no interest in walking around the park for hours with a giant Toblerone box over my shoulder! I suppose it was both sneaky but somewhat made sense to demolish Mouse as Icon was about to open. It would have been a bit stupid to remove a popular ride without having something new to unveil. Of course, Icon and Wild Mouse could both still be here. But one of them isn't. Sadly.
But yes, if some rides down through the years hadn't have been axed, then other classics wouldn't have been built. Heck, I bet someone out there even misses monstrosities like Bling and Spin Doctor! So, whatever replaces Wild Mouse better be good, though I won't hold my breath.
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