I still say trains are restricted to increase pass sales, especially with PMBO and Streak. No logical reason for it, just clear economic ones...jump the queue for just a few quid more.
It doesn't work like that though. The park want the shortest queues possible because people standing in line aren't spending. Speedypass sales do not make up for this. They want people on a ride, off a ride as quickly as possible so they can be buying photos, drinks, food, merch etc.
I can see both sides of this possibly being true. Without delving too much into the minefield that is The Big One (queue lengths, how many trains, fast & slow wheels, sandbags, etc), to some degree I agree that the park want you on & off a given ride so you are spending money on the park, but of course they are a business so no doubt they’ve weighed up the cost & effort of having extra trains on, which perhaps gets people spending money on the park, against making it look like queues are too long for impatient folks who are happy to throw more money at BPB to jump queues.
I suppose it would take a long time, if they did redesign the Streak station (ie, revert to how it used to be) to allow for 2 train operation, to get that money back in (hopefully on their part) sales of food, drink, merch, etc.
The difference is that we as park nerds know not to touch certain queues with a barge pole. I genuinely feel sorry at times for families waiting an hour for Streak. As a parent I know how infuriating a long queue can be, and kids are unpredictable, needing the loo etc at the drop of a hat. I waited 45 mins for Streak with my son and I hated it. Stuck in that claustrophobic corrugated tin corridor with impatient whinging kids and litter everywhere was not my idea of fun.
Surely with a second train now on site, albeit in bits, it is time for the park to sort this out. The sooner they get kids through this ride, the sooner they are buying Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles toys in the Nick Land shop !
Edit: Just noticed that this is in the Icon thread, a lot of these recent posts are general discussion really !