After a visit yesterday I managed to get a good look at the site and noticed a few bits.
Most interesting were markings on the ground running parallel to the old bridge with the words "track CL" i.e. centre line. These stretched over quite a distance in a straight line for nearly the entire length of the now demolished bridge. Probably too long a distance to just be station or brakes. This might give further credence to the rumoured launch. Perhaps too early to be certain but definitely an interesting development.
Elsewhere, looking at the boarded off section of the old bridge, these do look quite permanent. I say that because instead of constructing the frame in timber like you might expect for a temporary barrier lasting a year or two, the frame was a galvanised steel. What didn't quite make sense is that if the bridge area was to be permanently walled off in this manner you would have expected just a continuation of the glass balustrade. Perhaps looking a little too much into this, but I couldn't quite figure out the reason for such a permanent looking steel frame. I can only guess the hoarding will be removed at some point to allow access to the new ride whilst also sorting out the now very haphazard setup around Coasters.
In perhaps the most devastating bit of news for me, the old decked area below Coasters which was perfect for a quiet pint whilst surrounded by water, the Dipper cars trundling past on the right, with the Big One perfectly framed in the background and the train passing every 20 mins, has been completely ripped apart. I'd really like to see this reinstated at some point, as it really was a bit of a hidden treasure.