My issue is that, whilst Shambles is great, I generally find the Intamin attempts far better.I genuinely don't get why a) they're building this at all, and b) they're building such a huge B&M hyper with only two token airtime hills. Have they not looked at the best hyper coasters and indeed just the best coasters generally in the world, and deduced that the reason why they are there is because of their airtime? EGF, Bizarro, Skyrush, Kawasemi, Shambhala, Piraten...all near the top of the MH based almost singularly on airtime. And yes, I know that Intimidator is also in the park - which makes the decision to build a B&M hyper whatsoever a weird one. But effectively what they're doing is building a slightly taller and more boring (thrill wise) version of a coaster they already have.
I genuinely don't get why a) they're building this at all, and b) they're building such a huge B&M hyper with only two token airtime hills. Have they not looked at the best hyper coasters and indeed just the best coasters generally in the world, and deduced that the reason why they are there is because of their airtime? EGF, Bizarro, Skyrush, Kawasemi, Shambhala, Piraten...all near the top of the MH based almost singularly on airtime. And yes, I know that Intimidator is also in the park - which makes the decision to build a B&M hyper whatsoever a weird one. But effectively what they're doing is building a slightly taller and more boring (thrill wise) version of a coaster they already have.
Indeed. I was pointing out that a coaster like this does not have to be full of airtime to be good though. How can it be called a more boring version of what they already have when it's not even half built!? Mad!!
It just does. I assume you love PMBO then, because that's just a great drop and then loads of turns and forceless hills. I'm basing my assumption off the POV...unless the actual ride will differ significantly from it?
Please don't compare Fury 325 to The Big One. That's laughable.
It isn't, it's effectively a smoother version of it with a couple of airtime hills. As far as I'm concerned, a hypercoaster without a focus on airtime is a waste of steel. It's why I didn't rate Goliath at SFMM whatsoever (and why no one does).
Ok. I'm glad you think I305 is a waste of steel seeing as it is a 305ft tall coaster who's focus is not airtime. It's not as if it's regarded as one of the best coasters in the world or anything. And I am not comparing Fury 325 to I305, they are different coaster but neither focus on airtime.