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Chessington World of Adventures Resort

They can’t send a second train out the station until the first has hit the brake run. Given that she has two lift hills it’s madness.

I saw the train dispatch before the second one hit the brake run a few times last year, so not sure about that? You'd think it couldn't dispatch before it cleared the brake run for the second lift hill, but not the ride end!!
I saw the train dispatch before the second one hit the brake run a few times last year, so not sure about that? You'd think it couldn't dispatch before it cleared the brake run for the second lift hill, but not the ride end!!
I visited the park 4 times last year, March, May and twice in October and they always released the train after the first had hit the brake run.

I spoke to an operator in the queue who told me this at the fast track entrance also, and he wasn’t sure exactly why this was the case. But agreed it was madness.

Maybe some sensors had stopped working but they were specifically watching through the window in the station each time I was there for train 1 to arrive back.
That certainly seems fairly new, though in my recent experience the previous train is usually in the brakes by the time they're ready to dispatch anyway so the impact wouldn't be major anyway.

It seems more trouble than it's worth to remove block sections from the ride and failed sensors would cause errors all over the place so if they are waiting to dispatch it's most likely due to some arbitrary new policy rather than not being possible to dispatch earlier.
Vampire just needs new trains and sensors in general. Im still very confused why people would rather have Vekoma rework vampire rather than S&S Sansei. Vekomas design clearly aren't helping the rides throughput and operations. S&S still hold the rights blueprints to all of Arrows designs, and they also recreate certain pieces for the existing Arrow Rides. If they managed to Bring Back the Steeplechase model, surely they could rework Vampires system and give it new trains more appropriate for the Rides design like the Original swinging trains. Heard the older ones gave more swinging, so this be a great opportunity for Chessington to not only prolong Vampires future, but also improve its experience compared to its current day form.
Vampire just needs new trains and sensors in general. Im still very confused why people would rather have Vekoma rework vampire rather than S&S Sansei. Vekomas design clearly aren't helping the rides throughput and operations. S&S still hold the rights blueprints to all of Arrows designs, and they also recreate certain pieces for the existing Arrow Rides. If they managed to Bring Back the Steeplechase model, surely they could rework Vampires system and give it new trains more appropriate for the Rides design like the Original swinging trains. Heard the older ones gave more swinging, so this be a great opportunity for Chessington to not only prolong Vampires future, but also improve its experience compared to its current day form.
Rather annoying they got rid of the old trains when there are still Arrow suspended coasters out there operating (some older than Vampire) who managed to keep them. Having said that, new trains or rip out ride is a no brainier. Love the ride to bits.

I believe the big bad Wolf cars are in a musuem in the USA, perhaps put a bid in!
Rate its going be better off to get another full retrack and just put the SFC trains on it.

If they rip it out would be difficult to get something else in place.
Re: Wing Coaster height restrictions.

I think I have mentioned before that Wild Eagle at Dollywood (which is not a typical family coaster, by any means) has a height restriction of 127cm (50in).

Not to suggest this is anything other than 140cm, but ... whatever.
I do get confused how this is the case? Has it got different restraints than most wing coasters? If Dollywood can do it than surely Chessington can on what will be a much more tame wing coaster?
I do get confused how this is the case? Has it got different restraints than most wing coasters? If Dollywood can do it than surely Chessington can on what will be a much more tame wing coaster?
The restraints seem to be similar to most wing coasters so I'm not sure why its height restriction is so low either.
There are different local and regional regulations as well as the park’s insurers at play remember. For example, the certification process in the US means even different states can have different rules about what attractions may operate and in what way.

Beyond that you also have the park’s own choice too. Alton could decide that Octonauts is now a 1.4M restriction if they really wanted to. Sub Terra and it’s London Dungeons counterpart both have/had a 1.4M restriction set, yet a similar ABC drop tower in Austria that was built around the same time operates with a 1.2M restriction.

It could well be that B&M has designed and tested its restraint system to safely cater for those 1.2M and up (based on the Dollywood example), but other factors at play mean most parks have to operate them at 1.4M.
I don’t think Dollywood is the only park to have their vest restraint B&M’s height restriction be below 1.4m/54”; if I’m remembering correctly, I think Fenix may have a 1.3m height restriction, and Banshee at Kings Island has a 52” (1.32m) height restriction.
Adding to some of the previous comments, I think X at Thorpe had a height restriction of 1.0 m. Despite the trains being the same, it is now a 1.4m height restriction now it is TWD/TR.
That’s more because of the horror theme. Technically the ride is safe for 1.2m. Thematically The Walking Dead isn’t suitable for under 11s.
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RMCs normal coasters have different height restrictions at different parks as well.

Cedar Point raised Steel Vengeances height limit to put it on par with their other top line coasters due to how agreessive it was.

Also a few years ago Efteling lowered the required height for Baron.
That’s more because of the hotter theme. Technically the ride is safe for 1.2m. Thematically The Walking Dead isn’t suitable for under 11s.
Yes, but its height restriction is alongside its 13+ age restriction. I'm not sure why it needs to be a 1.4 when it already has a 13+ age restriction.
I think we should get back on topic!
Yes, but its height restriction is alongside its 13+ age restriction. I'm not sure why it needs to be a 1.4 when it already has a 13+ age restriction.
I think we should get back on topic!
Staff don’t really enforce age restrictions, because you can’t tell age by sight very well. Whereas height is easy to measure and the park is already doing it.

So at Chessington I think they could go for 1.3m similar to the other examples given in the USA, but if they deem it too scary it might be 1.4m just for the scary reason rather than the technical safety reasons.