They say that there's nothing new under the sun and music is definitely no exception.
There are plenty of songs that share the same musical DNA, usually in chord progressions, but that's a bit boring. I'm interested in songs which share similar melodic elements.
Have you ever heard a song and gone "THIS SOUNDS EXACTLY LIKE..."? If you have then please share away.
Quick Thread Guides:
- Please only share one musical soundalike per post.
- You CAN have more than two songs in the same post, that all sound similar to each other.
- The whole song doesn't have to sound similar or identical, bits like the intro or the middle 8, or chorus can.
- Please identify which bits of each song you think sound similar to the other, use a time code if necessary.
- Do include a musical embed of your choices, if you can find one.
- Samples don't count.
- The first person to share "Four Chords' by Axis of Awesome isn't funny and will be pecked to death by my goosey cousins, on the lawns of Towers, during opening weekend.
My first picks
The intros to both of these are almost indistinguishable at times and it used to drive me mad at times, hearing Billy Ocean coming on the radio and expecting The Four Tops.
"I Can't Help Myself" - The Four Tops
"Love Really Hurts Without You" - Billy Ocean