Ok to be clear here I'm not worried about it myself in terms of me catching it, I'm not actually that bothered about catching it. What will be will be and I should be able to fight it off.
However, this attitude of i"only affects the old or people with existing health problems" is what worries me. My parents fit in to the old category. My lovely partner fits in to the existing health problems category. It saddens me that people seem to think it's ok because they will be fine and sod the rest of the country, after all, I'm sure if we total up those over 60 and those with existing health concerns we may be taking almost half the country.
As for people who still compare this to flu, let's just say this, if governments around the world thought the same, they wouldn't be taking the extreme measures they are taking to try and contain this. They all know if this spreads at the rate it is doing, then the fatalities will be significantly higher than flu given time.
And no I don't worry about flu personally, it only kills 0.2% of the people who get it, it doesn't land 20% of people it infects in ICU and it doesn't take nearly 6-7 weeks to get over. And hey, if I was worried about it, I'd get the flu vaccine.
I don't know why people keep banging on about China either. China built a 1000 bed hospital in 10 days, and converted lesuire centres into hospitals in weeks. They shut down the ENTIRE country, shut down all transport, welded people inside their homes, left many to die there, even had drones with AI scanning the streets to identify and arrest anyone out not wearing a face mask. If you recall, it was the law to wear a face mask in public.
Parts of China are still shut down even now, so I don't think we can compare our outbreaks in the west to that of China. I'm sure if we took the same measures as China then we too would see a rapid decline in cases.
Anyway, I know this will get much much worse, I know many more will die and will see a lot of suffering in this country and others, but hey, as long and it's not affecting the young ones, or the perfectly healthy ones, then who cares right.
Personally I don't think the victim of this virus is the panic, or the false information, I actually think it's the lack of compassion in people towards those who are most at risk of dying from this and the anger and violence being shown towards those who are from Asian countries, such as the 3 attacks that took place in Exeter only yesterday on Asian students.