We are in the middle of a pandemic, I've been following the science by listening to all the different opinions of the scientist, who of which don't all agree. We have a government that have from the outset been following their own political agenda and has been ignoring the science and advice from other countries and WHO. For a few weeks on here now I've been saying that the figures have been rising, not to cause panic, but to state the reality of what I've been seeing with my own eyes. I could see that the lifting of the lock down had nothing to do with the fact that it is safer out there, but just that the government were on a political agenda to get the economy going, lets face it, their dealing of Brexit is also laughable and by the end of the year, this country is well and truly screwed.
Had a call from Jess' hospital specialist yesterday morning, he was relived that we were still shielding and not following the government guidance. He has strictly advise us to continue the way we have been as we have worked hard in the last good few years in bringing Jess' condition under control, he don't want her to have any new additional health concerns added which will hinder any future new treatments which are in the pipeline and are potentially be available in the near future for her condition. He has advise that we continue to shield and only leave the home for essential medical reasons. So it looks like any chance of us going out before a vaccine is available or this crisis is over is looking very slim for us.
Jess and I have been isolating (and there are many others out there too just like us) for the past 6+ months. The unlocking of this country was done on the basis that everyone follows the social distancing rules. It just amazes me that people are either too dam lazy or ignorance to follows these simple rules which are a small price to pay to keep the country out of lock down. If you find keeping to the simple rules are difficult, then think about all of us that have made the biggest sacrifice by shielding.
Excuse for not wearing a face mask is another thing, unless you have been told by a Doctor not to wear one, then you should. They are there to help stop the spread of the virus. They need to be worn properly, as well as not to keep fiddling with them, or keep taking them on and off. When you do put them on and take them off, you need to follow the proper protocols to ensure that you don't spread any contagion to your mouth and eyes as well as to others.
Yes face mask are uncomfortable to wear, if they weren't then you are not wearing them properly. I do DIY, use spray paints to paint my models, I wear a face mask to protect my lungs. I don't like wearing one, but I've only one set of lungs. A face mask is classed as PPE for a reason. If you feel that wearing a face mask is bad, then think of our NHS nurses that have to wear full PPE, very hot, sweaty all day without being able to remove them until the end of their 8+ hour shift. They end up with imprint, blisters and sores on their faces from wearing a mask day in and day out.
I think people need to stop being so selfish, stop making excuses, stop flouting the rules. If Jess and I can shield, if the nurses can wear full PPE, if people out there can follow the rules, then there is no excuse. Yes life has been tough for many during this lock down, but if everyone do their little bit, then hopefully this country can get the right balance between having control of this virus whilst having a life resembling some sort of normality as close as possible.
This government and the press need to stop blaming certain age group and communities, from what I can see sitting here at home looking out onto the world via the TV and from my window, all age groups and communities are equally flouting the rules and our ministers are also not setting a good example too.