This is the video on board train at Liverpool central on 2nd September.
Part 2
There is a full video, around 5 mins long, but can't find it at the moment.
Some context to the above :
Initially, after the video was posted, BTP tweeted that the passenger involved had been reported for spitting at other passengers, this later changed to coughing and spitting, and later again changed to Coughing in the direction of other passengers. It was said that a phone call was made to the police and the chap was aprehended at Liverpool Central and asked to leave.
Other passengers on the train said he boarded at Lime Street. The journey from Lime Street to central is about 80 seconds, and making a phone call or text is difficult as its underground. He was apparantly approached by 2 by-law enforcement officers, who are well known for the less than diplomatic approach with dealing with anything and their over excessive use of force if they can't get their won way, and told to wear a mask or he's getting off at the next station. He adviced he was excempt but told tough off at the next station. There was a BTP officer present anyway at Liverpool Central and he took over, which is where the video starts.
There is no doubt that the passenger in question behaved like an absolute idiot and over reacted massively, probably already agitated by the by-law enforcement officers. Though he was perfectly entitled to stand his ground as he beleived he had done nothing wrong, he could of handled it much better. However the officer in question also handled it very badly. He should of called for back up first and tried for a more diplomatic approach in order to get him off the train. Also using pepper spray in a confined environment with other passengers on board? BTP seem less well equiped or indeed properly trained to deal with such situations compared to a normal police officer who I imagine would of handled the whole situation much better.
This is the train involved, it picked up a 6 minute delay at Liverpool Central due to the incident, which is about a minute more than the full length video. The bit missing above is the middle bit and more scuffle between passenger and officer.