Even that has the potential to cause unrest though. People are fed up now of being told what they consider to be lies. We were told that once the vulnerable and elderly were vaccinated then we can look forward to a summer of fun, or something to that effect. Now most have been done, there are attempts to roll back on that now and suggest we need to vaccinate everyone first.
A conversation I have had with a few people over the last few days revolves around the suggestion that, despite the fact we will be quite well advanced in terms of people vaccinated by Summer (mid July), (as suggested by the vaccine calculator, those in their 40s should be getting their first jab in May and second late August, or June & September if you are in your 30's), we will be in a worse situation regarding freedoms to do normal things such as meeting friends in pubs, going abroad, than we were at the same time last year.
After all the promises we've been given, this is deemed unacceptable. So the powers that be need to be very careful, not just what they do, but what they don't do too, and should remember, they govern by consent, which is eroding fast, despite what opinion polls say.
One thing that does concern me as more and more people get vaccinated is the amount of chitter chatter regarding the negative effects it has on people (To note, this is just second hand gossip picked up from general day to day pottering about, trips to supermarket, work, chatting with neighbours over the garden fence etc, and not social media which has been full of this stuff even before there was a vaccine). I'm hearing it all the time now, all the stories of woe, and encouraging others to not get it as they will be ill for weeks or even die. I find this irresponsible at best. It doesn't phase me in the slightest, I will get by jab, I can cope with a 'cold' for a couple of days if need be, but there will be plenty of people who will be put off by all this, and with more and more getting vaccinated, the more of these over exaggerated stories we will hear and the increased potential for putting others off getting it.