Which is why I’ve come to the conclusion that the government will hold off declaring “lockdown” until we are really in the danger zone.
It seems absolutely crazy large gatherings aren’t being restricted.
Agreed on the gatherings bit, but it's starting to look like all evidence is suggesting that going total lockdown does not abate the spread of the virus at all once it's inside the country, and maybe, could be, just actually accelerating its spread. As I said, I've a friend in Milan and he says that since everybody has been staying inside it has spread much faster, entire families previously healthy have gone down with it, one person in the house gets it, then the whole house has it and in some cases, previously healthy people are going down and they've already been self isolating for a month, he thinks it's in the water or being spread on food packaging, as Roy said, the virus doesn't just spread through touching of skin, I think we've all seen what that NBA idiot did at a press conference on Monday? Right?
So maybe letting people move about realitively freely, and letting them employ a bit of common sense when it comes to personal hygiene and social distancing, is in reality allowing the virus to spread about more slowly here than if you confined three generations of the same family to a single room to sit next to each other watching tv 12 hours a day every day like what is happening in Italy...
I hope we don't follow Ireland's lead just yet, let's see how their unofficial lockdown fairs for a week or two, my bets is in about 5-7 days, Ireland will see a massive spike in cases and the health service won't be able to cope... We just need to do more screaning at the border and train stations, locking the country down won't stop its spread imho.