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Coronavirus - The Poll

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We could see more bankruptcy and companies going under than we do deaths. For the UK and some of Europe the economical effects of Covid-19 might be worse than the mortality issues.
Which is why I’ve come to the conclusion that the government will hold off declaring “lockdown” until we are really in the danger zone.

It seems absolutely crazy large gatherings aren’t being restricted.
Screenshot of yesterday's BBC graphics fail.

Which is why I’ve come to the conclusion that the government will hold off declaring “lockdown” until we are really in the danger zone.

It seems absolutely crazy large gatherings aren’t being restricted.

Agreed on the gatherings bit, but it's starting to look like all evidence is suggesting that going total lockdown does not abate the spread of the virus at all once it's inside the country, and maybe, could be, just actually accelerating its spread. As I said, I've a friend in Milan and he says that since everybody has been staying inside it has spread much faster, entire families previously healthy have gone down with it, one person in the house gets it, then the whole house has it and in some cases, previously healthy people are going down and they've already been self isolating for a month, he thinks it's in the water or being spread on food packaging, as Roy said, the virus doesn't just spread through touching of skin, I think we've all seen what that NBA idiot did at a press conference on Monday? Right?

So maybe letting people move about realitively freely, and letting them employ a bit of common sense when it comes to personal hygiene and social distancing, is in reality allowing the virus to spread about more slowly here than if you confined three generations of the same family to a single room to sit next to each other watching tv 12 hours a day every day like what is happening in Italy...

I hope we don't follow Ireland's lead just yet, let's see how their unofficial lockdown fairs for a week or two, my bets is in about 5-7 days, Ireland will see a massive spike in cases and the health service won't be able to cope... We just need to do more screaning at the border and train stations, locking the country down won't stop its spread imho.
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I dont understand how a lock down would accelerate the spread. In terms of households getting it, whether the person is out or in, they still return home after work, they still see the people in the house. Chances are its people who caught it a week or two ago who only now are showing symptoms. The virus needs hosts to infect, if we limit its chances of finding one, surely that stops its spread?
I dont understand how a lock down would accelerate the spread. In terms of households getting it, whether the person is out or in, they still return home after work, they still see the people in the house. Chances are its people who caught it a week or two ago who only now are showing symptoms. The virus needs hosts to infect, if we limit its chances of finding one, surely that stops its spread?

The problem is that this is now a pandemic. Unless or until a vaccine is developed, it is going to be very hard to stop it from spreading. A country might be able to get it under control like China have at the moment, but with it spreading in so many other places around the world then the virus has an easy route back in to a country that does get control. It will be interesting to see what happens in China over the coming weeks and months.

This is why steps to gain herd immunity do make some sense. And if it is going to spread, try and allow it to spread as slowly as possible to ease the burden on the NHS.
I'm beginning to think the best way to stop this is to stop all flights in every country, stop all travel. Close schools, get as many people confined to their homes as possible. Get on top of the virus and stop it spreading until there are no new cases in all countries. Then re-open the borders.

Will it happen - no.
I'm beginning to think the best way to stop this is to stop all flights in every country, stop all travel. Close schools, get as many people confined to their homes as possible. Get on top of the virus and stop it spreading until there are no new cases in all countries. Then re-open the borders.

Will it happen - no.

That is, quite simply, impossible.
I can't help but feel that his virus is another absolute gift for right-leaning, isolationist-minded citizens and governments. A perfect excuse for 'close the borders/this is what globalism has done for us' rhetoric under the guise of public health. Whereas, we just need to pay attention, trust experts (they're still out there) and proceed with caution over the next few months.

Saying that, I do think a month without large public gatherings should be instated, but the absolute thirst for panic and fear amongst some is disquieting. China were able to take extreme measures in part because they are an extreme government that seems to be on it's way back to totalitarianism. Curbing freedoms is standard there. Whereas most British citizens out there selfishly stock-piling spaghetti and toilet roll would not be so keen on such enforcements after a couple of weeks.
I'm beginning to think the best way to stop this is to stop all flights in every country, stop all travel. Close schools, get as many people confined to their homes as possible. Get on top of the virus and stop it spreading until there are no new cases in all countries. Then re-open the borders.

Will it happen - no.

No offence Gary and I do mean this is the kindest possible way I can......but you come across quite dense.

We've had 10 deaths in 7 weeks and you want the whole nation to go into shutdown for weeks/months. You don't seem to grasp the impact that will have. Loads of people will die if we do this. People will go hungry etc. Loads of people will lose their jobs which will cause chaos none of us have ever known. It's just not going to happen.

Even in Italy people have still been going out to work etc. The world can't just go on pause. It's literally impossible.
Cheers. What I said about stopping it I know cannot be done. That why I said, will it happen - no. But if it were possible, then it could stop the spread. Hope that explains it a bit clearer.
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Its ok, it was my error as I hadnt worded it properly. I know the world cant come to a stop, I was just proposing a way this could be stopped if it were at all possible.
Just a reminder for people to be respectful to each other. I think we can all sensibly debate this without resorting to calling people having an opinion as dense etc. Thanks.

To be fair I did say it kindly. Gary is continuing to depress the hell out of me and everyone else on here with his end of days scare mongering. I think we all know that the situation is a serious one but it's not something to panic about and go crazy either.
I know we will, and I accept that probably myself, my partner etc will catch it as will most of the people I work with. I know that. I just worry for our parents, grandparents etc.

Anyway, I tell you what, i'll try and find more positive news stories from now on ok.