The press release was pretty contradictory
Do we need to cancel large events?
"No, the virus spreads between people in close contact, mostly at home or in the work place. Stopping events won't so much to stop the spread of the virus"
Do we need to stay home if a household member is self isolating with a cough/temperature?
"No, household members do not need to stay home, they can continue their daily life".
Hang about, I thought it was family members most likely to get it, so you want family members with Ill people in the household to go out and socialise?
Also with the football matches example, how is 9 people sat in close quarters for 1hr 30 not a high risk? If one person is infected, they could easily infect another person, who would take it home to their family where is would spread easily.
I understand not wanting people to fatigue of quarantine but seriously?
Generally I'm still not phased though, my biggest concern remains economic.