Yep, I do understand this. I just hope they have factored in the large numbers of young people (20s, 30s, 40s) with no comorbidies coming in to ICU in a critical condition as being reported in the US and Italy at the moment into their modelling, as all we seem to hear about is keeping the NHS for the elderly and vulnerable.
In terms of herd immunity, I heard today the aim is for 60% of the population to catch this to get herd immunity. Not sure how they get to this figure as this figures varies by virus (measles is 95% of the population for example) but I do understand why they are doing this - after all, if it comes back in the winter as they seem to think it will, those countries who hid people away will have to go through all the quarantine again, while us Brits will hopefully be able to go on cheap holidays without fear of catching it again.
In terms of the NHS, I have seen letters sent out to doctors and nurses in other specialities now saying they need to be available within 12 hours to be called up and will need to work in areas unfamiliar to them. Fair enough, but what does concern me is guidance from our trust which states that a staff member coming in to contact with a patient with suggestive symptoms, but not yet tested positive, should wear a surgical mask, while those confirmed will need to wear a FFP3 respirator. Surely this is putting NHS staff at risk as the surgical masks dont protect against the virus.
Also just heard the rugby game I had tickets for (Wales v Scotland) due to take place tomorrow has now been called off. Sensible move I think.
I have a hunch Merlin will not open their parks next week........
Out of interest - anyone doing anything different to prepare for this? Regardless what people may think, I havent been panic buying, or walking around in masks and goggles. What I have now changed however is taking some vitamins, Vit C + Zinc and Vit D (high strength) and just trying to eat a bit more healthy than normal to get my self ready for when I do catch it (which I accept most of us probably will).....