There's something about it in Revelation, yes.I'll add to that: Once a "vaccine" is magiced up, it will be mandatory. Those who have it will be tattooed / chipped / marked in some way to show they are allowed outside. Those who refuse will be forcably quarenteeded, locked up, bannished, or even killed (either legally or lynched by a mob).
... Isn't there something in the bible about this...?
Anyone want to take bets on if or when we will be given ration books like our great/grand/parents [delete as needed]?
The point I am trying to make is that we allow the common cold to spread because it is less harmful than the mass quarinty it would take to prevent it. I believe the same is true for Covid-19.So if this is not much worse than the common cold, perhaps not even as deadly, why have hosptals in China and Italy been completely overrun? Why did China have to build new hosptals to be able to cope? Why are the Government looking at buying up beds in private hospitals and even hotels to help try and cope?
The point I am trying to make is that we allow the common cold to spread because it is less harmful than the mass quarinty it would take to prevent it. I believe the same is true for Covid-19.
I remember ration books!Anyone want to take bets on if or when we will be given ration books like our great/grand/parents [delete as needed]?
I'm not sure if they do disagree? The governments plan to keep the country running was recommended and supported by medical professionals. It's people's panicking (and certain media outlets) that seem to be pushing for total lockdown.Fair enough, but the experts seem to disagree and they are experts for a reason.
The point I am trying to make is that we allow the common cold to spread because it is less harmful than the mass quarinty it would take to prevent it. I believe the same is true for Covid-19.
This virus is not the Black Plague or Spanish Flu. The people seriously effected by it are those who are already at risk.
The Spanish Flu spread like wildfire and killed just as quickly. If this was Spanish Flu we'd have been locked down in January or 2/3rds of us would be dead.Says who? We dont know as of yet exactly how may will die or how many will get infected but many experts are throwing caution to the wind when asked if this is the next Spanish Flu. It certainly has the infectiousness and the death rate seems comparable.
As for the people who are affected it by it are already at risk - sorry but thats not true. I could quote many news stories of young people with no existing health concerns who have died from this. Only 2 days ago was the story of a 46 year old Italian paramedic, very fit and healthy. The news story I posted above quoted NHS staff treating many young, fit people under 40. And there was a WHO press conference today in which an expert said they have found children are at risk and children have died from this.
So while yes its the elderly who are more likely to die, many people under 60 are getting critically ill from this and if they dont get the necessary health care then they would die. Again, I refer you to my earlier post a few posts up where an NHS doctor is explaining the situation.
Seriously - no one can be complacent with this virus thinking it would affect them. Everyone has a duty to practice good hygiene and stay away from others if ill.
Have you got any numbers to support this? PeteA's original post very clearly showed that the common cold is more deadly.
55 dead sounds like a terrible number, but it's nothing compared to the millions of people about to lose their jobs / a reliable source of income once this country shuts down!
Protect the old and vulnerable for now, but keep the young and fit going on as usual. Because in a couple of months time we are going to be wishing we hadn't made such a rash decision when thousands of people find they don't have jobs to go back to.
Maybe you are right. Maybe I shouldn't compare this to seasonal flu. I mean Covid 19 hasnt killed anywhere near the numbers that seasonal flu has already done this season. As facts stand today, normal seasonal flu is a bigger killer than Covid 19. That is fact. What is not a fact though is your comment that it spreads more quickly and has a fatality rate ten times higher than flu. We dont do a test for normal flu, many people get it and get on with it, not even bothering to go to a Doctor.
I personally am not bothered about Covid 19, just like I am not bothered about Flu. I say this as someone who is not a spring chicken anymore and as someones whos wife has immune deficiency. What will be will be.
What I am bothered about is the impact that this mass panic, purely created by media, social media and governments, will have on society. How many people will needlessly lose their jobs because of the measures implemented around the World? How many people will struggle to buy food / get food? How long will it be before the panic buying turns really ugly?
This is real my concern about all of this.
On the subject of Spanish flu, don't forget that at the time, almost the entire male population of the northern hemisphere had just spent five years slowly starving, in mud filled trenches, while being shot at, blown up, and gassed. Their immune systems MAY not have been in tiptop condition.![]()