Take it from someone who is self employed and worst case scenario will loose everything, work has stopped, we are not being paid, not having any kind of income guarantee, some of us will have to work cash in hand jobs just to earn enough to be able to buy a loaf of bread because we're getting fuck all from anybody else.
But don't you worry, you'll continue to get your 80% of your wage so it doesn't matter and heaven forbid the Government do anything to actually help the trades that will be dragging this country back out of Boris's ditch when this is all over, no no, can't help them becuase they might do cash in hand jobs while the rest of the country goes on an extended holiday to the beech.
Many will say "but can't you live on £97 a week?" and yes I can, but many of these people cannot due to having financial commitments relating to their business, So when this is all over and there are no plumbers, electricians, brickies etc. left to fix the country, don't blame us and remember who it was who was considered most important at the time the country fell apart.
Edit sorry Barry but you are not the first person I've seen to sugest this and it's so frustrating because when this is all over and there are no brickies, no electricians, no plumbers, no driving instructors, no delivery drivers left because we're all bankrupt due to not getting any help, you'll have nobody else to blame but yourselves.