An amusing tale from lockdown (been stuck at home a couple of weeks now due to no work, partner is a "key worker", so very little has changed in this house over the last few days) to lighten the mood a tiny bit:
Being on lockdown with my ex-housemate stuck here (who in all honesty is pretty much an honoury member of my household anyway, may as well be a brother etc. etc.) makes perfect training for parenting a teenager.
I'm always having to pick up after him. Like earlier he had a shower, and I was all:
"RIGHT! .... Tidy up all the tangle of AV cables that accumulate around the TV and amp when he is plugged in, wash up all the plates, glasses, mugs around his sofa, bin all the food wrappers and random torn up bits of rizla etc, empty the ash trays, tidy the blankets/cushions/sofa etc, put the booze back in the kitchen cubboard, wash up, clean uo, feed the rats, have a peacefull fag on the balcony watching the world go by, put the kettle on, roll up, have a cup of tea, a ... erm, "something to smoke", and the mini Megadrive waiting for him when he gets out of the shower in fifteen minutes time....
..... Aaaannnnnnddddd ....... GO!"
Some advice for staying sane in lockdown:
Doesn't matter how well you get on with someone, even your partner, if you are cooped up with them long term, it's only a matter of time before you are sick of the sight of them. Just think about those big road trips we do round Europe; You have a great time, but by the time you get home you are quite happy to see the back of that car and everyone in it for a week or two. Admit it.
I've already had a serious word with matey and Mrs and told them straight that tensions
will flare. It's inevitable. I appologiesed in advance for any techyness I may snap at them in the comming weeks. I made sure to say that It's not to be taken personally, as I won't take it personally if they snap at me.
When you are trapped in a confined space with someone, and little to no personal space, sometimes the best thing you can do is vent it out, or, more importantly,
let the other person vent it out. Try not to be provoked in to an argument. Give them as much space as you can for a bit, go do some house work or something. Have a cig in the garden. Do what you've got to do to take ten minutes to chill!
... I know this is easier said than done. But remember: that person sitting on the other side of the room, playing some annoying beeping game on their phone? That you've lived with peacfully enough up to now? ... That you want to stab through the face with a biro
reallly hard at this precise moment? They probably feel exactly the same way about YOU right now!
Stay calm dudes. Stay sane. Stay healthy in both body
and mind.
Live long and prosper.