Storm Force 10 is much wetter now than it used to be. You only ever used to get a soaking on the back row on the backwards drop. The other rows and especially the front used to get off relatively well.
You now get almost as wet on the front as you do on the back. It never used to throw water on the front of the boat like it does now in the backwards drop. I've rode the ride since 1999, just this year was the first year since the refurb I've rode it.
It is not like you get a small bit wetter now than you used to, you get much wetter, especially on the front.
I have noticed the configuration of the water level control holes have been re configured from what they used to be. Which are basically multiple circle holes in the concrete trough near drops. The first two drops have them and the configuration of how many are open is now changed from what it used to be pre refurb. This will directly impact the water levels. The whole ride had new sensors fitted throughout, so more than likely they had to re conffigure the levels to ensure the new sensors were triggering properly. The level has only changed slightly, but it is enough to make the ride even wetter on that backwards drop