In the end we will find out in time what the next chapter will be for Dreamland. I’m very much hoping that things will work out for the park. It’s true that they have the site rent free, and I doubt they do actually have much debt. Given that the company only recently came out of administration and has a really bad credit score, no ‘normal’ financial institution is likely to lend them money. If they are in debt, it’s presumably with someone or some organisation linked to the Hedge Fund.
Clearly the current news won’t help the park. If the company were to fold then all kinds of people could lose out, from the staff, to Members (annual pass holders), people who’ve booked tickets in advance for events, people who’ve booked weddings. The last one is particularly significant as weddings were a big part of their business plan and they’ve only been getting two or three weddings a year, perhaps partly because people are dubious about booking such a big event when the park’s finances are far from certain.
The article Stuie posted certainly does sound very positive, although it does also read like a PR statement from the park, rather than something impartial that actually analyses things. The park went from pay to enter last year to free to enter this year. This year the park also started letting people bring in their own picnics (last year people even had bottles of water confiscated in bag checks) and adults can now ride for free with small children on certain rides, something they couldn’t do before. As it’s free to enter the visitor numbers are primarily based on an estimate. Given that they’ve been wanting planning permission for a hotel and then to buy the freehold off the Council, cynics could argue that they have a vested interest in fluffing up the numbers.
To be fair it does sound like they’ve had a reasonably successful summer, but also one with quite a few challenges. The Scenic spent another chunk of time closed due to re-occuring problems. Pinball X had its height restriction raised from 1.1 metres to 1.25 metres following an ‘incident’. The Vintage Caterpillar disappeared out of the park due to unresolved problems. The Helter Skelter is still standing but not operating…