TS Member
- Favourite Ride
- Wicker Man
Here are a few flat rides I could see working at Towers.
Moser Speed Flip
I really think this could work well as some kind of Ministry of Joy device.
Slightly higher capacity than Spinjam, would provide a very high thrill ride even on a short cycle and could easily be themed to fit in X Sector.

The next is a Mondial Diablo, I would have chose the Inferno over the Diablo for capacity reasons but I think the Diablo would fit the height limit, although the platform might need a tad excavation work to fully fit clearances approx 62ft online but I'm not sure that's the support arm height or the highest limit reached. I could really see this in Forbidden Valley with the rusted effects added , that's if FV carries on with the post apocalyptic theme.

Finally Im going with a KMG Move IT 32.This I could see in DF with a theme of some kind of summoning, the main bar given some hexish themeing such at branches and chains. Again i chose this model because of a not too bad capacity and something that would fit in with the height limitations.

Moser Speed Flip
I really think this could work well as some kind of Ministry of Joy device.
Slightly higher capacity than Spinjam, would provide a very high thrill ride even on a short cycle and could easily be themed to fit in X Sector.

The next is a Mondial Diablo, I would have chose the Inferno over the Diablo for capacity reasons but I think the Diablo would fit the height limit, although the platform might need a tad excavation work to fully fit clearances approx 62ft online but I'm not sure that's the support arm height or the highest limit reached. I could really see this in Forbidden Valley with the rusted effects added , that's if FV carries on with the post apocalyptic theme.

Finally Im going with a KMG Move IT 32.This I could see in DF with a theme of some kind of summoning, the main bar given some hexish themeing such at branches and chains. Again i chose this model because of a not too bad capacity and something that would fit in with the height limitations.