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Football Discussion

Funny how Neville is moaning now about PSR rules and having to sell a home grown player isnt fair. Rest of the league have to do it and you didnt moan pal.

Rules are rules but only when it effects utd
Funny how Neville is moaning now about PSR rules and having to sell a home grown player isnt fair. Rest of the league have to do it and you didnt moan pal.

Rules are rules but only when it effects utd

What he's saying when talking about United's Newcastle and Manchester having to stick to PSR rules is. I wish I could have just been allowed to spend at Salford.

His performance on Sunday was an embarrassment. Even as a Liverpool I couldn't laugh at it. He's gone from not blaming it in the sunshine. Not blaming it on the moonlight, not blaming on the good times, but blaming it on the glaziers. To giving the new owners free range to make the same mistakes the glaziers and previous employees did. He is getting very angry if the great sir Jim and crew get even a whiff of criticism.
PSR is a joke, as are the Premier League.

The Premier League came to life after a loophole was found in FA regulations that allowed for a breakaway league; they were more than happy to do so. We (Leicester City) then use a loophole to avoid being done by PSR rules on a technicality, and the Premier League are disgusted.

Meanwhile, the Premier League are quite happy for Chelsea to exploit a loophole in the rules the allows them to sell their hotels to what is effectively themselves.

Double standards? Just a little bit!
Leicester getting out of it by not being in the Premiership sounds how football as a whole needs an independent regulator.

The league in a desperate attempt to come down hard in the worry of this have looked weak and pitiful as many suspected beforehand.

The amount of deals between clubs that happened on the PSR deadline who happened to be named as those struggling to meet it shows.

Although Leicester should probably be checked for spending £8m on Jordan Ayew. How we've conned that out I've no idea.
The sport needs PSR. Do I agree with it's current form, no, it does need to keep a tighter control over who spends what. To do this you need a independent regulator with some actual power. I have feeling Leicester have got away with it, because the PLs legal teams are far to busy on the 115 charges and making sure city's expensive lawyers don't run over them.

Too many times we have seen supporters punished financially because rich play boys over spend and then walk away. Leaving clubs to tumble down the league or in some cases disappear. Bolton, Leeds, Bury,Notts county, Darlington just to name a few. Owners who threw money at dreams only to see them collapse.

Clubs like Leicester, Nottingham, Everton all complained about PSR rules. I would say, look at Brighton. Seemingly able to loose great players every season, yet seem to be able to carry on. Why, because they know that good homework and sensible spending is the way forward. Buy cheap, sell on. Build slow. Too many owner think it's a case of buying 4/5 players a season on big wages will be the answer.

We are told that the premier league is the greatest league in the world. It's just a cash cow.

This is time last year, the billionaires were up in arms over players going to the Saudi leagues. Now, its ok to use said Saudi clubs to move aside players on huge wages (Ivan Toney.) united must have a bloke permanently there, trying to get rid of another expensive mistake.


Hold my calls, I can't talk to anyone, finally they get that victory!

In other news, Scotland came from 2-0 to draw only to blew it at the end via a penalty in injury time thanks to Grant feckin' Hanley. Utterly can't stand that clumsy buffoon and hated him for so long and after tonight, he'll be getting the Beckham treatment for sure by the Tartan Army.
San Marino better than Scotland as confirmed today.
A mountain top did better...let that sink in. God I want to utterly kick the living crap out of that Grant Hanley though sadly I'll have to wait in a 250 minute long queue featuring the rest of Scotland all wanting to do the same.