Niques said:
It was my moan that the world needs to be happier.
The world is negative because of consumerism. It is built to make you feel inadequate, needy, incomplete, lacking, fat, ugly, envious, jealous etc etc.
When did you last see an advert for wrinkle cream that said "You are beautiful in your skin, you don't need this product, but buy it anyway"?
When you are happy you are less inclined to desire things, because by definition you are happy. Ironically when you are happy you are probably more likely to attain what you desire, because you perform better as you have good motivation. Indifference, or over stress creates different negative symptoms:
The brain is also only capable of taking on board so much of the information that surrounds us, and generally tends to focus around the areas relative to our present mindset. A simple example of this in action is when you own a car, you suddenly notice lots more of them on the road. I have found the same to apply in many areas of life.
So when you have a highly capitalist driven society based on having more, to feed the system, you need people to buy - those people need a reason to buy, and emotions sell products so yours are played upon frequently. That takes its toll and feeds into every area of life, and I see every day the results of a "throw away society" that has been created, for which value is diminished.
People are not taught to look for happiness within themselves, but essentially to "buy it". If you don't have money, then how can you be happy?
No surprise then, that so many find themselves drawn to the negative topic, it is habitual.
Of course, there is the other aspect of making sure your friends are OK, and also gaining some perspective on your own life.