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Liseberg: General Discussion

VQ has limited availability for each time slot and the slots are allocated sequentially, similar to the old paper-based systems at Towers/Thorpe/Disney (not often those can be listed together). It seems likely that even if it isn't very busy the slots could get snapped up pretty quickly. We noticed last year that, unlike EP's virtual line, there didn't appear to be anything stopping people from being in multiple VQs at once by using multiple devices. If four people all had the app, they could each reserve 4 slots for a different ride, which is obviously extremely overpowered.
With the VQ we got the most in the first couple of hours, then they would come up for a few hrs time. However we did have some luck with not accepting the time and keep checking back and suddenly able to grab a slot that’s opened up much earlier.
Currently staying at the Grand Curiosa and seems to be some kind of surveying going on around the arcade and close to the Log Flume. I remember they mentioned that last season was the Log Flumes last? But is still currently open. There's a decent size area that looks ok, but compared to the rest of the park is a perfect contender for development.

The markings look like they could be marking out footers? This has been happening since about 7am, a few hours before park opening.

Might be nothing but has certainly got me thinking. Has something been removed? Certainly could be possible.


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Oh, I didn't realise that FlumeRide hadn't actually closed! I suspect it's more a case of plans having been pushed back rather than a change of heart. The talk was of an Intamin flume replacing it.
Rode it Yesterday, so very much open. I'll miss it when it does go. Such a great ride. They're now surveying nearer to the flume station. But earlier on doing some work all around the arcade.
Currently staying at the Grand Curiosa and seems to be some kind of surveying going on around the arcade and close to the Log Flume

Looks to be a total station and a GNSS unit there, would imagine control might be going in for a full site survey for future plans.
Just turned up at Liseburg with my Blackpool Season pass where you are supposed to get one free ticket. I went in 2023, no problems. This year they refused to give me a wristband so I couldn't go on any rides. After showing them on the Blackpool pleasure beach website:

The participating parks will provide free admission, on the production of a physical 2024 BPB Platinum Pass Card or confirmation via the BPB eGuide App.

Free admission applies to ONE visit during the 2024 season according to calendar opening. On arrival at the park’s entrance guests present their PASS/ ID and receive ticket valid for same day visit.
They agreed to give me free entry but NOT a wristband for the rides. Wristband cost 520sek but given I'd already travelled here from the UK I felt no option but to pay. They claimed it only said *entry* on the website but all the other ones don't have wristbands so it's clearly intended for rides. Disappointed
Just turned up at Liseburg with my Blackpool Season pass where you are supposed to get one free ticket. I went in 2023, no problems. This year they refused to give me a wristband so I couldn't go on any rides. After showing them on the Blackpool pleasure beach website:

They agreed to give me free entry but NOT a wristband for the rides. Wristband cost 520sek but given I'd already travelled here from the UK I felt no option but to pay. They claimed it only said *entry* on the website but all the other ones don't have wristbands so it's clearly intended for rides. Disappointed

I'm sorry you experienced that, it's a strange inconsistency because we used our Europa-Park Silver Passes during our June holiday there and we were given the wristbands for both park and ride entry with no issues. Maybe Amanda should have a polite word with her bestie Andreas.
Just turned up at Liseburg with my Blackpool Season pass where you are supposed to get one free ticket. I went in 2023, no problems. This year they refused to give me a wristband so I couldn't go on any rides. After showing them on the Blackpool pleasure beach website:

They agreed to give me free entry but NOT a wristband for the rides. Wristband cost 520sek but given I'd already travelled here from the UK I felt no option but to pay. They claimed it only said *entry* on the website but all the other ones don't have wristbands so it's clearly intended for rides. Disappointed
Oh no, I am sure that is not how the scheme is supposed to work. I am sure other members of this forum have used their PB/EP passes successfully at Liseberg. It sounds as though someone at the park decided to be a jobsworth and misapply the rules to make you pay more than you should have done.

I have been contemplating a trip during the remaining months of my EP Gold Pass, I'd be pretty horrified if I had travelled all the way out there and found I couldn't use it. I've checked the wording on the EP website but it is similarly ambiguous in offering only 'free entry' and not specifying ride access.

Access to our partner theme parks​

As a ResortPass owner, you will not only get to enjoy the world of the Europa-Park Resort, you’ll also enjoy free or discounted entry to our partner theme parks. Please note that free entry is available once per park during the term of your ResortPass.
Prior registration with our partner theme parks is not necessary. You will be granted free or reduced entry upon presentation of your ResortPass.
With your ResortPass you can visit the following parks for free:
  • Efteling (Netherlands)
  • Pleasure Beach Resort (England)
  • Liseberg (Sweden)
  • Port Aventura Park (Spain)
  • Isla Magica (Spain)
  • Emerald Park (Ireland)

One thing I had heard is that not all of the parks will reciprocate the deal if you have purchased only a basic (non-rider) Liseberg Pass, but a full pass from any park should give you full access to any other park.

If this had happened to me I'd be getting in touch with the park's customer service team and requesting a refund based on the fact that you had a valid pass that is intended to provide full access to all partner parks.
Yeah I'd definitely be contacting customer services to complain about that if it happened to me.

Had no issues using my Pleasure Beach season pass to get into Europa Park or Emerald Park (you need to email in advance of your visit) this year.
I had no problem at any park last year including Liseburg. Emerald Park is only other one I have visited on Blackpool Pleasure Beach Season pass this year and no problems there. I think the remaining parks are all entry tickets bit no wristbands so this may be something to watch out for anyone considering Liseburg. I agree it's definitely not within the spirit of it though
I went on 29th June this year, with a few people who had a mix of BPB and some other partner park's season pass, and we got full entry and wristbands (from the guest services next to the hotel), so yes it sounds like someone didn't understand how it actually works.
The only issue I had was with no mention of “Blackpool” on the pass. I had to help them in guest services find it on the drop down menu on their computer system as it’s not filed under “Pleasure Beach”
Just turned up at Liseburg with my Blackpool Season pass where you are supposed to get one free ticket. I went in 2023, no problems. This year they refused to give me a wristband so I couldn't go on any rides. After showing them on the Blackpool pleasure beach website:

They agreed to give me free entry but NOT a wristband for the rides. Wristband cost 520sek but given I'd already travelled here from the UK I felt no option but to pay. They claimed it only said *entry* on the website but all the other ones don't have wristbands so it's clearly intended for rides. Disappointed
Used my BPB pass there a month ago today with no issue
Liseberg have confirmed that the decision was taken at yesterday's board meeting to rebuild the Oceana waterpark.

Oceana will be rebuilt according to the same main principles as in the original project, but some changes will be made. It is hoped that it could open in 2026.

Sounds like they are not able to get insurance/compensation money until the investigation in to the cause of the fire has been completed, with the results of this expected in Spring 2025. So in the meantime, Liseberg are having to finance the rebuild, which means a re-prioritisation of Liseberg's investments and cash-flow. I suspect this might be why Flume Ride is still open, as its replacement has likely been delayed.

Full press release can be read here.
Just turned up at Liseburg with my Blackpool Season pass where you are supposed to get one free ticket. I went in 2023, no problems. This year they refused to give me a wristband so I couldn't go on any rides. After showing them on the Blackpool pleasure beach website:

They agreed to give me free entry but NOT a wristband for the rides. Wristband cost 520sek but given I'd already travelled here from the UK I felt no option but to pay. They claimed it only said *entry* on the website but all the other ones don't have wristbands so it's clearly intended for rides. Disappointed
i went in june and they gave me rides - must have just been an arsey staff member because it allows them to do it on the system
Has anyone who’s been recently clocked how much a Liseberg bunny is and what sizes they come in? Asking for a chimp…