Re: Major New Accommodation in 2014 - Themed Lodges
Just in case you guys hadn't spotted it, there is a page dedicated to this development on the
TowersStreet main site, which condenses all the key information

I've only just managed to look at this action group, and it would appear some of their objections are actually founded from a worry about noise. Not necessarily about the residents being disturbed by guests in the development, but rather guests being disturbed by the JCB testing facility adjacent to the site.. in the sense they don't want JCB's land use to be at all restricted.
From the looks of the letter, apparently there was an application to build a similar development with 'chalets' back in 1986, for which concerns were raised at the time.
Also, they're a bit cheesed off with an apparent lack of communication between Towers and locals:
Whiston Action Group said:
No draft Alton Towers Long Term plan or draft SPD have been issued for community consultation. We understand that the District Council is relying upon Alton Towers and their advisers to produce these drafts. There has already been significant delay.
Do they mean the LTDP we're aware of?
The public consultation for the Lodge Development isn't due until February 5th 2013 according to the letter of objection, so I guess we have to wait until then to find out whether or not they'll be getting this. I really hope so, as its a charming little development and a much needed boost for budget accommodation.