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Nemesis Reborn: General Discussion

he sudgests it is B&M's bearing manurfacture. If true this would have no correlation to B&M, in engineering unless you are mass manurfacturing stuff (although often they still use standard) you use standard off the shelf bearings this dramatically reduces the cost and make repairability much better and this isn't un common and is done across a lot of industries. it would be like getting a 19.562inch wheels for your car, since they aren't standard and no tire manurfacture makes them you would need custom tires every time you replaced them,
So is this a case of weighing up the option between accepting that their rides are going to have a slight rattle due to changes in standard bearings changing tolerance or plowing significant cost into redesigning the the trains to be able to accommodate the parts available to them? In my opinion, wouldn’t the initial upfront cost be more beneficial in the long run if it makes the ride a much more pleasurable experience or do parks/manufacturers even care about that anymore?
Why is it specially a second half problem then? The sound isn't really noticeable until the first turnaround (presumably the sound itself is the drip trays vibrating), and the gentle shaking can't be fealt until around about the stall turn, being most pronounced by the turn into the brakes?

I don't have an engineering mind, but if it was tighter elements negotiated at lower speeds I could kind of understand that theory. But the pre-drop and turn into the first drop is taken at low speed as well and the first half is like riding a cloud?
If it was the wheels it would change pitch during faster sections, my guess for the reason the rest of the ride isn't as bad is probably because the 2 turns are quite low force and thus they don't load the bearings as much allowing for them to rattle
So is this a case of weighing up the option between accepting that their rides are going to have a slight rattle due to changes in standard bearings changing tolerance or plowing significant cost into redesigning the the trains to be able to accommodate the parts available to them? In my opinion, wouldn’t the initial upfront cost be more beneficial in the long run if it makes the ride a much more pleasurable experience or do parks/manufacturers even care about that anymore?

I do not think this issue has any impact on the ride experience or enjoyment, hence there being a seemingly lack of anything done about this, worldwide it is minor at best, it does not make the rides rougher, more uncomfortable or less enjoyable. But they could also source a new manufacturer, or pressurise their existing one to modify their design. There is far more than the two options you mentioned available to them.
Can I honestly ask - this rattle, I haven’t really heard it or experienced it and ridden both trains plenty of times this year.

Is this just an internet fanboy ‘thing’ or do people actually find it uncomfortable
Same, I felt no rattle at all on either of my two rides back in August.
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There's definitely something going on there that wasn't on the old ride. It feels like it's more of a vertical motion than horizontal so possibly something to do with the main running wheels.

On some rides I've noticed it as early as the drop into the loop but sometimes it's not significant until the final bend.
Can I honestly ask - this rattle, I haven’t really heard it or experienced it and ridden both trains plenty of times this year.

Is this just an internet fanboy ‘thing’ or do people actually find it uncomfortable
How? It’s so noticeable on that last turn it’s difficult to miss
How? It’s so noticeable on that last turn it’s difficult to miss

Can’t say I find it that noticeable.

But the main question was - has anyone found it uncomfortable due to this?

Each to their own, but I’m just not seeing this issue
I haven't found it uncomfortable whatsoever. I largely didn't notice the rattle at all, and wouldn't have even really registered it had it not been for the amount of online discourse about it; it certainly didn't affect my enjoyment whatsoever on any of my 5 rides this season.

I dare say that overall, I find Nemesis Reborn more comfortable and enjoyable than I found the original. The original sometimes had some irritating headbanging, and this seems to have been completely solved by the retrack, so I'm happy!
Uncomfortable isn't the word. But it's detracting and very noticeable to me. Firstly because it wasn't there before, and secondly because of how surprisingly smooth the first half of the layout is compared with before, rendering it jarring by comparison.

I've ridden Nemesis more than any coaster on the planet, many times in a row sometimes, over a period of 28 years. So I've got very used to the layout, hence why I never had the "headbanging" problem because I knew, without thinking, the exact moments when a sideways jerk was likely to push my head to the side and I was instinctly able to brace and avoid it.

The rattling noise is very loud, as it's right above your head. Now that it runs far quieter on the rails that before, this is the loudest noise you hear when it occurs, so I'd be very surprised if no one has noticed that! As many have explained before, this shaking isn't "rough" by any means. It's very minor at first and I can understand why it's not too noticeable. But after the final corskscrew it's very noticeable to me. Like an up and down motion. You feel it under your seat, like being gently patted on the backside.

Other than subconsciously knowing the ride through experience, I suppose I could also be more sensitive to it because I have a bad back (which it doesn't impact, and B&M seats are extremely comfortable for me). In normal situations I go limp to avoid pain when I feel such sensations in that part of my body, so I'm tuned into it.
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Can I honestly ask - this rattle, I haven’t really heard it or experienced it and ridden both trains plenty of times this year.

Is this just an internet fanboy ‘thing’ or do people actually find it uncomfortable
It is definitely a thing, I have felt it it varys wildly though, sometimes both trains are glass smooth other times it is really rough and jolts, last time I went I did nemesis first and the rattle was so bad it put me off riding it until much later in the day, you could feel it in the helix and through out the course. Other times I have had it perfect with a small rattle on the last turn
I've ridden Nemesis 3 times now over the past couple of weekends, which have been my first rides since opening day. There is absolutely a rattle, and it is most noticeable on the final bend. It does not make the ride uncomfortable though, and it felt to me like Galactica had more of a rattle.

Pretty impressed that all of the effects still seem to be working. I'm not totally sure it is quite as forceful as it once was, but that could just me my perception after riding some very intense B&M Inverts in the US over the summer.
No chance they will make any changes to remove the rattle. They leave Smiler like a cement mixer rolling down a hill they won’t make changes unless it compromises safety of guests.

The ride works, it’s not the same as it used to be. There are elements which have improved (the inversions are more comfortable) there are things that are worse (this rattle).

I think we’ve traded pretty equally overall. This version is more re-rideable than the OG.
No chance they will make any changes to remove the rattle. They leave Smiler like a cement mixer rolling down a hill they won’t make changes unless it compromises safety of guests.
smiler is because of saftey, they use reletivly hard compounds of wheel (its why it makes that unique wine/roar) which is part of what makes it rough, but reduces the drag which prevents it from stalling (blame gerstlaur for that) although they could reprofile one or 2 sections, as mainly the second cobra roll inversion is quite snapy
I had quite a negative experience on nemesis yesterday afternoon, the last hour or so there was no batcher but ride crew were insisting on everyone filling from the back forward. I am not too bothered about front row so no big deal but there was no queue and the train was half full at best, leaving the front half of the train empty for most of the runs (and then they dispatched the next train empty for some reason). This isn't too bad but the staff were so rude about forcing people to fill from the back and it left a negative impression on me, the people I was with but also as I was walking to the wicker man I overheard other people complaining about it.