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Nemesis Reborn: General Discussion

I don't understand the obsession with preshows. They just aren't needed on a coaster. If anything they feel like they are delaying you getting on the ride.
I think it heavily depends on the ride, theme and type of preshow but a preshow can take a good ride and bring it up to perfect with story telling, likewise a poor preshow can as you say feel like it is holding you from the ride and can get annoying.

Wickerman is a good preshow and adds to the theme and ride by adding to the story and the dread to go on enhancing a pretty good ride.

Another good one is oblivions queue videos, I am not sure whether to class this as a pre show, but I have seen people class TCAAM and nemesis reborn as preshows so this may he on the line. But is perfectly sets the tone and enhances the fear for those watching.

A bad example would be an extreme thrill coaster with little theaming (like a six flags or cedar point coaster) where the main point of the ride is just the ride and there is essentially no theming.
I don’t dislike the principle of a pre-show, but on a coaster like Wicker Man, I think they should probably be a rolling pre-show like on Curse rather than a forced pre-show. It’s good to watch as a piece of entertainment while queueing, but if the queue is non-existent or low, then the one on Wicker Man is just a bit of a hold up at present (admittedly in large part due to how it’s implemented and batched). After the baggage hold, it can take a good 10-15 minutes to get through the pre-show area at times.
I think, maybe dispatches are quicker now.. but I vaguely remember around nits opening that there was pretty much a load at the pens, one load waiting after the show and one load in the show (we were counted in )

Often the show now is too crammed full of people to enjoy
I wonder if it relates to a specific train or is worse in certain rows. It would be good to know where people are experiencing it the worst as there could be a pattern.

It's disappointing they haven't been able to resolve this issue though.

The "B&M rattle" as it is known is quite common on newer B&M's world wide. It has never been resolved for existing or new builds, so there was little to no chance it would be resolved on Nemesis either, from day one.
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I found it interesting riding over the past couple of days. First time we were on train 2. and I was on row 5 (I think), inside seat. I did notice the rattle, but it wasn’t as bad as I thought. It was the first full train of the day though and was still warming up, so that may have made a difference. Today I rode train 1, row 2 outside seat, this seemed ok, didn’t really notice it. Finally, train 1, row 3 outside seat at the end of the day and my goodness the 2nd half of the layout was rattly. I could feel it in my head-not fun!
And I have been refused.
Yea I asked once because my friend had a bit of a headache and he just said only if you have RAP which isn't true I think there's literally a sign saying you can, on other occasions they've allowed us to wait aside and walk through though.

Good pre-show but on some days it just feels like an obstacle instead of part of the experience with how much of a crowded free for all it can get.
Yea I asked once because my friend had a bit of a headache and he just said only if you have RAP which isn't true I think there's literally a sign saying you can, on other occasions they've allowed us to wait aside and walk through though.

Good pre-show but on some days it just feels like an obstacle instead of part of the experience with how much of a crowded free for all it can get.
It's the free for all bag drop and people not moving down toward the double doors, which is creating a bottle neck these days.
Na, its a boring repeated preshow that everyone has seen a dozen times at least that is the problem.
Simply no need.

I half agree here.

For me you are correct - repetitiveness makes it boring. But if it’s your first time riding it is worth it.

Should just be part of the queue now. Have it on repeat and you just walk through it.

I feel slightly for AT here. We all wanted immersive back stories etc, they tried, and to their credit execute quite well, but given it’s now old hat we all want it out the way.

Sometimes they can’t win.