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Nemesis: Sub-Terra

I can't believe everyone is getting so worked up over a sign and then saying it will be a bad experience because of it 😆
Regardless of whether you thought it was good or bad, or are yet to ride it, the 2D entrance sign has no bearing on that (yes I preferred the old one but some of the comments I'm seeing about this afternoon are ridiculous 😂😂)
Soft openings almost certainly not.

Would normally say there would be a press/media/influencer night just before, but not heard of anything for this. I guess that isn't too surprising given that it's basically being marketed as-was.
The picture of the old sign in that tweet doesn't do it justice...

It maybe a quick fix before Saturday as a temp sign. You’d find it strange that a company like Alton towers couldn’t afford a decent sign or use their own creatives.

Anyway, I think the sign issue shouldn’t be focused on too much, it’s quite small.
I really don't think that this new 2D sign is permanent. When you look at the Squadron Supplies sign, you can tell that the lettering is embossed with the shadows they're casting onto the background. Surely if they went to the effort of making an embossed sign for this shop/kiosk, they're not going to leave the main ride entrance sign as is. My guess is that they're either still waiting on the final, 3D/embossed entrance sign to arrive, or that this is temporary and the ride will receive a new logo, along with Nemesis in 2024, and will in turn get a new 3D sign then.

(Photo credit to TowersTimes on Twitter)
All depends what the new logo they'll have for Nemesis next year and would likely want to reveal it for next year for if they gave out the font now for Sub Terra then it might spoiler what we could be getting.

Still, I'm more curious about if they are going to bring the tank back to the front of the ride again of if it's being moved to a new area in Forbidding Valley? Speaking of which with @Joeythorpe saying that Forbidding Valley is turning into a bit like X-Sector, do have to wonder that with Forbidding Valley is likely going to see a few changes come next year, makes you wonder what's the next area to get attention...X-Sector perhaps in the pipeline for attention next? Certainly in a rundown state like we saw with Duel that gave a hint something was coming then.
The restrictions board also says something along the lines of the seats and restraints may prohibit guests with certain body shapes and sizes from riding - not the exact wording because the zoom on the picture isn’t the best, but it’s something like that
Who cares about the sign. I go to AT 3 or 4 times a yr and cudnt tell u the colour scheme or design of any ride sign in the park. Non of the general public will care either.
Nothing to see here guys! Just more cheap vinyl signage in place of actual theming elements at the UKs biggest theme park…

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Everything was going so well so far! Doesn’t give me hope for much improvement inside with these budget cuts now. I was super excited before to see if they enhance the rides theming and elements in some way, now I feel it will just be the same as it was before. Which is still good but after all this time I was hoping for upgrades and more immersion!

Never mind still another dark ride to enjoy.

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