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Nemesis: Sub-Terra

It does look nice in red and black, then again a fresh lick of paint makes anything look good. Actually, was Forbidden Valley's colour of choice always red and black from the start or is more of a recent thing with Merlin?

Anyway with some saying how the themes of both X-Sector and Forbidden Valley being too similar now due to them both being about a secret organisation running the place (Ministry of Joy and Phalanx), I could make the argument that there is a slight difference with them in which Phalanx is more military based while the MoJ is more MI5 based though I'd wonder if the park might be aware of two similar themes and that they would need to shake things which could be why X-Sector such as the state of Smiler is in the way they are in as maybe they are planning to give the area not a retheme but more an updated version of the theme being more sleeker let's say and that its better to wait until then to do it all on one go?

I've no clue what changes Forbidden Valley will see and I don't want to go off topic but I do wonder once Forbidden Valley gets its likely refresh next year, is X-Sector next to get TC? You could argue that if you ignore the additions of the Retrosquad, it hasn't seen anything new to the area since Smiler opened and is honestly due for some changes ahead and they might try and not make the two areas have a similar theme of secret evil organisations unless ofc they throw a curveball with the theme of Forbidden Valley next year but that's unlikely.
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What a strange take. Of course guests notice. Otherwise they would just stick A4 laminated signs up in Comic Sans, instead of creating themed signs such as these.

The GP will look at the name of the ride but they wont stop and think well they should have used this colour scheme and made it 3d. Oh lets add on some moving parts.

As long as they can read the sign 99.9% wont take any notice of the details. Next time you go ask the group of ppl in the queue ahead of you to describe the sign they have just passed under see wht they say
Looks like it might be open at 9:30 on Saturday possibly, as per TS latest social post - not unless it's referring to some sort of Phalanx re-opening ceremony 30 minutes before or something
I was thinking earlier that wouldn't it be great on opening day if once you walked into Towers Street there was an area where you waited and members of the Phalanx escorted small groups to Sub Terra; that would really enforce the feeling of going to a military facility!
I'm not worried about no vinyl stripes.
I'm not worried about flat signs either.
It's an old flat reopening folks, that got lukewarm reviews originally, at best.
Not really worth the fine detail concern, it will be forgotten in weeks.
Transient Nemmy filler.
Little more.
Not even worth a minor publicity campaign.