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Nemesis: Sub-Terra

It just felt incredibly flat.
Being shouted at and told off for smirking were the only lasting memories for me.
Will be interesting (ish) to see any changes, and the new users verdicts, and it will be a welcome diversion for rainy days.
More sheltered attractions required.

It’s the Phalanx caught black and red handed!

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It's just nice to see the building and immediate surrounding area not looking like a trash heap, as it has done since at least 2017, worsened when Project 42 was just left there.
I do agree with that as it is a amazing building and I am excited to go inside it in 1 week!
Like that they've blocked the view of the baggage reclaim with what looks like camo netting. Especially with the queue now being infront of the building for at least the rest of this year.
Yeah theres two fences of camp netting.

I was in a rush so I'll go back up shortly and take another pic :)
Hope the Sub Terra opening is more organised than Thorpe Park today as Ghost Train should’ve opened at 12 and still hasn’t. I know Sub Terra isn’t new but you’d imagine there will be a significant number of guests riding tomorrow who have never ridden it, and therefore is a new ride for them
Hope the Sub Terra opening is more organised than Thorpe Park today as Ghost Train should’ve opened at 12 and still hasn’t. I know Sub Terra isn’t new but you’d imagine there will be a significant number of guests riding tomorrow who have never ridden it, and therefore is a new ride for them
Ghost train cancelled??
I really do like this Phalanx spokesman character, the actor really nails the 'authority figure clearly hiding something' brief.

Never got to do this the first time around so I'm looking forward to having two new things to do when I'm there in September.
He does actually they've got the casting for his character type pretty perfect to be honest.
The Phalanx leader is quite a pantomime villain, you can almost hear the booing and hissing taking place! :p

But yeah, we're off to see the egg again, what could go possibly wrong this time? 🤪
No wonder that Phalanx leader has had such a smug look on his face all this time, he’s probably been planning how to spend the money saved on that sign ever since Nemesis was announced to be shutting.
Likely saving it for his eventually funeral money when Nemesis so obviously eats him when she returns retirement pension!