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Nemesis: Sub-Terra

That's just the extended RAP queue line for Saturday. Probably.

They've built the observation platform on top of the half the main queue so in theory they don't have enough for a peak day, though given how unpopular the ride had seemingly become by the end I don't see the extended queue being needed long term. Or at least I hope not - I have no intention of waiting an hour for it, by the time it closed I regularly skipped it even when it was walk-on.
You’d expect the rest of the queue line which the observation platform covers will be re fitted over the coming winter. The extended queue out the front will be possibly be needed over the next few months with whit week and school trips, and then probably peak Scarefest
Ive never seen so many ungrateful people. AT are opening a permanent flat ride and by the sounds of the comments here they might aswell not bothered. They cant do right by some ppl here who will find a way to moan about whatever decision they make.

Im personally glad they are opening sub terra and think its a step in the right direction. Cannot wait to experience it
Ive never seen so many ungrateful people. AT are opening a permanent flat ride and by the sounds of the comments here they might aswell not bothered. They cant do right by some ppl here who will find a way to moan about whatever decision they make.

Im personally glad they are opening sub terra and think its a step in the right direction. Cannot wait to experience it
I don't think people are being ungrateful, It's probably because many people expected the original sign with the new colour scheme and many are disappointed. It's not about the ride re-opening, (many people here have been speculating it's reopening since 2017. Many people have also noted that it increases capacity for the park) but about the presentation of the ride, as that shows if they have taken care of it or not. It all a matter of opinion but no-one is being ungrateful.
I don't think people are being ungrateful, It's probably because many people expected the original sign with the new colour scheme and many are disappointed. It's not about the ride re-opening, (many people here have been speculating it's reopening since 2017. Many people have also noted that it increases capacity for the park) but about the presentation of the ride, as that shows if they have taken care of it or not. It all a matter of opinion but no-one is being ungrateful.
I'm pretty sure the sign is just a placeholder for a more permanent 3D one. The shop sign is 3D so it would make sense if the entrance one is too.
It is isn't ungrateful to criticise.

This is a dark ride so locally compares to Hex ( a really well executed madhouse) and being a tower dark ride compares to Extremis (a bit pants) and Mystery Castle (epic) for themeing, even if MC is much taller physically.
It is isn't ungrateful to criticise.

This is a dark ride so locally compares to Hex ( a really well executed madhouse) and being a tower dark ride compares to Extremis (a bit pants) and Mystery Castle (epic) for themeing, even if MC is much taller physically.

It is a bit ungrateful when the ride hasn’t even opened yet mate.
Most criticism is it in the original opening run or the new stuff visible to us already (like the sign and the vinyl)

The ride previously had serious issues, so people will be cautious.
Ive never seen so many ungrateful people. AT are opening a permanent flat ride and by the sounds of the comments here they might aswell not bothered. They cant do right by some ppl here who will find a way to moan about whatever decision they make.

Im personally glad they are opening sub terra and think its a step in the right direction. Cannot wait to experience it

And let’s not forget the cardboard cut out style entrance which is this…


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I've never seen so many ungrateful people. AT are opening a permanent flat ride and by the sounds of the comments here they might aswell not bothered. They cant do right by some ppl here who will find a way to moan about whatever decision they make.

Im personally glad they are opening sub terra and think its a step in the right direction. Cannot wait to experience it

I haven't seen anyone slating an additional ride being added to the line up.

There have been criticisms regarding the previous incarnation of the ride and the 2D sign *ahem*. However it is a forum and criticism should be expected.

Some people didn't like the ride as it was, that's fair. Some people loved it, that's fair.

I'm sure we can all agree that whatever your opinion is, it's good to see an additional ride added up to the line up.
Everyone is different which is what makes the discussion so interesting and enjoyable. For me, its a Theme Park, and so the theme of each ride, and how it is presented is important to me.

It is great the ride is opening again, but it should never of been shut in the first place. It just shows how dependent on budget they are for certain things or where certain teams have more budget to do things. The signs on the lorry and the crane are great, but I would rather have a full 3d effect sign for a ride entrance. I get that the funding for the signs comes from marketing budget, but the sign for the ride is going to be around a lot longer.

Its little things that add up to make a magical experience, and while the 2d sign is acceptable, the 3d sign was much better. You have to wonder what happened to the old entrance sign, did it just get taken down and scrapped?

As for the ride itself, my favorite part was always the lift effect, I thought it very clever and really added to the theatre of the ride. The shouting at the start made no sense, and the scare maze at the end was never needed, as the final in the lift was enough for me. As for the main ride, it was a fun drop tower. I just liked having an extra part of the Nemesis story to explore and enjoy.
I am a bit confused as to why it now needs an extended queue even if half of the original one is unavailable. I (clearly wrongly) assumed that the Observation Platform would be used as a queue line before then entering the normal one.
Disagree that the scare maze section wasn’t needed. It felt incredibly flat just walking out of the lift, even I wasn’t a fan of it in its early, early days before the May improvements were made.