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Nemesis: Sub-Terra

Genuinely amazed they've brought back UNT:NST, albeit in a different guise. Meanwhile there are 3 mothballed shops at the exits of major coasters that are actually big enough for the staff member as well as the merch.
Ive never seen so many ungrateful people. AT are opening a permanent flat ride and by the sounds of the comments here they might aswell not bothered.

Ungrateful? You mean to say that I've been paying for a service all these years, thinking I was entering into a contract with an organisation I thought was a business run for profit - when it turns out Towers was a free charitable cause all along?
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Genuinely amazed they've brought back UNT:NST, albeit in a different guise. Meanwhile there are 3 mothballed shops at the exits of major coasters that are actually big enough for the staff member as well as the merch.
I'm glad they're re-opening the NST shop, but the Oblivion and Galactica shops are definitely more conspicuous in their absence.
Come on @Ted. Eat that hat of yours tomorrow and put the evidence on this thread please.
Third time the same joke has been cracked in as many weeks...was a bit funny the first time...but anyone can get a giggle from a years old quote.
Ive never seen so many ungrateful people. AT are opening a permanent flat ride and by the sounds of the comments here they might aswell not bothered. They cant do right by some ppl here who will find a way to moan about whatever decision they make.

Im personally glad they are opening sub terra and think its a step in the right direction. Cannot wait to experience it
They aren't opening a permanent ride though, they are reopening a second rate flat ride, who has said it is a permanent addition to the park?
Probably won't last more than a couple of years, like last time.
And indeed, for me, with experience of the attraction in the past, they might well have not bothered, it is a poor ride, not worth queueing for more than a few minutes.
Posted at 90 minutes currently
The fact something went wrong in his opening speech (the contaminated workers basically coming out of the pre show) was a nice touch
The long queue may be caused in part by the fact that most thrill rides on park appear to be closed. Of the coasters in the Thrills section, only Rita and Smiler are currently listed as open.

The opening ceremony looked great, though!
The long queue may be caused in part by the fact that most thrill rides on park appear to be closed. Of the coasters in the Thrills section, only Rita and Smiler are currently listed as open.

The opening ceremony looked great, though!
If everything opened on time today, most people would be going here first you'd have thought, so I imagine it'd be as long regardless
I'm glad N:ST is now open, as it will give FV the life it has lost this year due to Nemesis' retrack.