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Nemesis: Sub-Terra

Yes, you're missing the fact that the Sub-Terra queue line is completely separate to the platform. There is no way this much work would have progressed if it wasn't opening for another 7 months.
Quoting for prosperity.

They've used this building a few times since Sub Terra. Keeping the queue usable just means they want to continue to have a usable queue.
Quoting for prosperity.

They've used this building a few times since Sub Terra. Keeping the queue usable just means they want to continue to have a usable queue.

They’ve used it once, for a scaremaze that lasted 2 years, out of the 8 years that it’s been shut.

It’s hard enough getting Merlin to spend money maintaining the appearance of the attractions that are open never mind spending thousands on replacing a queue for one which isn’t.

It will be done with a specific use of the building in mind, especially as work has been done inside the building (including as recently as last weekend judging by the doors being open on the photo posted yesterday).
They’ve used it once, for a scaremaze that lasted 2 years, out of the 8 years that it’s been shut.

It’s hard enough getting Merlin to spend money maintaining the appearance of the attractions that are open never mind spending thousands on replacing a queue for one which isn’t.

It will be done with a specific use of the building in mind, especially as work has been done inside the building (including as recently as last weekend judging by the doors being open on the photo posted yesterday).
I don't disagree. Whether or not that is Sub Terra's return, I'm less certain.
Now that the viewing platform has been confirmed i dont think anything will happen with sub terra. It was a hopeful wish but i think all the work has just been to tidy the area up and make it presentable for people who pass it
Now that the viewing platform has been confirmed i dont think anything will happen with sub terra. It was a hopeful wish but i think all the work has just been to tidy the area up and make it presentable for people who pass it
You think a building has been cleaned, a separate queue line has been built and work has been going on inside for nothing? Sure. This thread is so confusing at times
There's a gap between nothing happening and Sub Terra reopening though, isn't there?

To be fair I think most people have been fairly appreciative of the fact that we don’t know exactly what is happening, naturally inferences will be drawn toward NST’s reopening due to the previous use of the building.

That said, it’s difficult to see what else realistically it could be given the unique layout of that building, the fact that even if the ride hardware has been removed it clearly hasn’t been replaced with anything as it would have been noticed, and the fact that the ride’s old height measurement side was spotted outside the building yesterday.

As has been said ad infinitum it could theoretically be a scaremaze; but it would be a bit of an odd choice you’d feel.

What I am pretty certain of is that they haven’t ripped out the queuing and replaced it for aesthetics, if they wanted the place to look tidy then they could have just removed the precious stuff and jet washed the paving without installing a whole new queue line.

Good luck being open this year

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Yes, please provide context when posting such photos, as well as the source (unless the photo is your own). Clearly it is of N: ST but when was it taken? If it was taken yesterday then clearly it is in a state. If it was taken one or two years ago then who's to say they've not worked on it.

I'd imagine the worn seats etc. can be replaced fairly easily.
Don't really think the state of the seats means anything. Saying they were taken recently, how do we know this? How do we know they've not been since replaced or cleaned up?
No dust/dirt on the arms or surrounding areas including the restraints. The seats look bad but they are just worn that way.

Guess it must be coming back in original format with updated storyline?
No dust/dirt on the arms or surrounding areas including the restraints. The seats look bad but they are just worn that way.

Guess it must be coming back in original format with updated storyline?
Also a good point, didn’t think of that. It’s been closed for 8 years, and I know they look bad but I thought they’d look worse