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Nemesis: Sub-Terra

In my view, it largely depends on when this array of photos was taken.

If they were taken yesterday, then yes, that does imply that the ride would take a little readying before any hypothetical reopening.

But for all we know, they could have been taken weeks, months or even years ago. In which case we have no idea what sort of state the ride is currently in.
Did your source intend for you to leak these photos to a public forum? Given that people lose their jobs over things like this, you're taking a pretty big risk gambling with someone's livelihood (unless of course you yourself took these pictures)..
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In my view, it largely depends on when this array of photos was taken.

If they were taken yesterday, then yes, that does imply that the ride would take a little readying before any hypothetical reopening.

But for all we know, they could have been taken weeks, months or even years ago. In which case we have no idea what sort of state the ride is currently in.
If they were taken years ago it probably looks worse now.
Doesn't look like they ever intended to reopen this ride, nothing was covered or protected.
If they were taken years ago it probably looks worse now.
Doesn't look like they ever intended to reopen this ride, nothing was covered or protected.
That assumption excludes the possibility that any construction work has happened inside, though… based on the amount that has seemingly happened in and around the building within the last year or so, I wouldn’t be surprised if there has been some construction occurring inside.
That assumption excludes the possibility that any construction work has happened inside, though… based on the amount that has seemingly happened in and around the building within the last year or so, I wouldn’t be surprised if there has been some construction occurring inside.
Hasn't the sign to the ride been taken down and is now laying on the floor?
Hasn't the sign to the ride been taken down and is now laying on the floor?
That was the height restriction board, and it hadn’t been seen outside prior to last weekend. This fuelled speculation that the ride could be returning…
Having not been to the park recently I have a question about the Scare Maze that they held on this site. Did it actually go inside the Sub-Terra building? Or was it just using the queue? Or am I completely ignorant and it just borrowed the attractions theme.

I'm mainly asking because if it used the building it must have passed through the main ride area at some point. The ride system would have had to be in place and in a reasonable condition for this to be allowed as they are structurally integral to the rooms floor.

Also as an aside I'd recommend not responding regarding ML27's pictures until some context is also posted. They've made good posts I'm the past (they were the first one I'm aware of to suggest the structure in the queue could be a viewing platform) but the random pictures don't add anything to the discussion. If these are recent photos we'll likley get an explanation when they realise we aren't giving them the attention they'd expect.
Having not been to the park recently I have a question about the Scare Maze that they held on this site. Did it actually go inside the Sub-Terra building? Or was it just using the queue? Or am I completely ignorant and it just borrowed the attractions theme.

I'm mainly asking because if it used the building it must have passed through the main ride area at some point. The ride system would have had to be in place and in a reasonable condition for this to be allowed as they are structurally integral to the rooms floor.

Also as an aside I'd recommend not responding regarding ML27's pictures until some context is also posted. They've made good posts I'm the past (they were the first one I'm aware of to suggest the structure in the queue could be a viewing platform) but the random pictures don't add anything to the discussion.
Easiest way to get a response is to not get wound up.

If you’re talking about Project 42, it went through the building.
If you’re talking about Project 42, it went through the building.
I guess it's Project 42 I mean.

Thanks literally not been to Scarefest in years so I didn't know what the maze was call. Had it mixed up with Sub-Species, but I think that was in the Towers?
I guess it's Project 42 I mean.

Thanks literally not been to Scarefest in years so I didn't know what the maze was call. Had it mixed up with Sub-Species, but I think that was in the Towers?
There were boards in front of the drop towers I believe. I think the egg in the centre was visible from what I remember of the scare maze, although it was quite a weak maze so my memory of it perhaps isn’t the best
There were boards in front of the drop towers I believe. I think the egg in the centre was visible from what I remember of the scare maze, although it was quite a weak maze so my memory of it perhaps isn’t the best
I've just been looking into it and the egg was visible. From the one picture I've found you can see the towers are covered up but the floor that’s attached to the towers is in place. Therfore we must assume the towers were still there (at that point at least) as I don't think the floor could be structurally supported without being attached to the drop mechanism.
Project 42 was quite carefully built around any existing infrastructure. This was evident throughout with fences dividing batches, the lifts etc. The towers themselves were covered up by flats - as far as I know they were still in tact. If you took a certain wide path through the old ride chamber, you could feel the loading floors jiggle slightly.

The park have experience with squeezing mazes into constricted and complicated places without changing the original building all too much (you only have to look at any of the mazes within The Ruins) - so whether they built P42 around Sub-Terra's stuff in case it returned, or the more likely case - it was just cheaper and easier.
… based on the amount that has seemingly happened in and around the building within the last year or so...
I think we just need to take a moment to recognise that the amount of work that's happened around the building is not a lot, certainly a lot less than the fevered discussion on the forum would have suggested. More work has happened in the past few weeks, with the painting, etc. than occurred in the whole of 2022.

Throughout last year, some decking was replaced, some speakers were removed and some WD40 was applied to an as yet unidentified squeaky component. Less happened in an entire season than you would expect from the average episode of Ground Force.
I think we just need to take a moment to recognise that the amount of work that's happened around the building is not a lot, certainly a lot less than the fevered discussion on the forum would have suggested. More work has happened in the past few weeks, with the painting, etc. than occurred in the whole of 2022.

Throughout last year, some decking was replaced, some speakers were removed and some WD40 was applied to an as yet unidentified squeaky component. Less happened in an entire season than you would expect from the average episode of Ground Force.

To be fair I think ‘replaced some decking’ is understating it a bit - they’ve removed and replaced the entire queue line and batching area and then cleaned the remainder of the queue which wasn’t built on decking.

Given everything we know about how Merlin operate it seems unlikely to me that they’d do that without a specific, imminent use in in mind.
Don't get me wrong. I'm absolutely not reopening the question of whether or not something is going on with Sub-Terra this season.

I'm simply suggesting we don't overstate the work we know about so far. We not yet seen anything to suggest they have done any work beyond the bare minimum required.