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Ride Access Pass and Disabled Access - 2024 Discussion

2025 short breaks are now available to book, not allowing RAP users to secure a slot along with their booking does feel unfair, perhaps they have opened up a small number of RAP slots for this reason?

I do admit this seems a bit too joined up for Alton Towers to be true though.
Interestingly my best friend tried to book a complimentary stay yesterday and was told that they were released in error, even though they're still available online. 🤷‍♂️
It's been a few weeks since my visits, but I completely forgot about this thread.

As a regular Towers visitor who did a weekend comprising of Thorpe, Chessington and Legoland, I have some thoughts:
- I hate digital RAP. I know hate is a strong word, but I do.
- I loathe the fact that at various points, I couldn't join a RAP queue, but could pay to join a fast track queue. It really doesn't sit well with me.
- Massively dislike being merged with fast track - overwhelming and uncomfortable for certain rides (Mandrll at Chessington and the laser one at Legoland in particular). Don't love that Towers are now doing this as well on some rides.
- Merge points not staffed - see above but this made things worse, trying to force your way into the queue and keep your group together.
- Thorpe, on the other hand, with paper RAP, meant we could just join any queue we wanted, and they were manageable.
- One thing to note for those that haven't ridden Hyperia yet, if you use step free access they have to put you on rows 9 and 10. We got sent that way and it made for a nervous first ride for me - I can do steps although I have to take it slow, particularly in darker attractions, and my card wasn't marked as step free, but I think the staff member saw my white cane and thought they'd make life easier for me.

I miss the spontaneous Saturday afternoon trips my friendship group used to do, but overall the on site experience is so much better. Now, if they get it so I can link my RAP card to my annual pass, and let me book both at once, that'd be great.
Unstaffed merge points was a massive bugbear for me ar Legoland earlier in the year. It's uncomfortable queuing (or generally existing) in a wheelchair at the best of times, let alone when people have to be mindful and engage brains when merging. Doesn't help when majority of the queuelines at Lego are budenously slow.
It's been a few weeks since my visits, but I completely forgot about this thread.

As a regular Towers visitor who did a weekend comprising of Thorpe, Chessington and Legoland, I have some thoughts:
- I hate digital RAP. I know hate is a strong word, but I do.
- I loathe the fact that at various points, I couldn't join a RAP queue, but could pay to join a fast track queue. It really doesn't sit well with me.
- Massively dislike being merged with fast track - overwhelming and uncomfortable for certain rides (Mandrll at Chessington and the laser one at Legoland in particular). Don't love that Towers are now doing this as well on some rides.
- Merge points not staffed - see above but this made things worse, trying to force your way into the queue and keep your group together.
- Thorpe, on the other hand, with paper RAP, meant we could just join any queue we wanted, and they were manageable.
- One thing to note for those that haven't ridden Hyperia yet, if you use step free access they have to put you on rows 9 and 10. We got sent that way and it made for a nervous first ride for me - I can do steps although I have to take it slow, particularly in darker attractions, and my card wasn't marked as step free, but I think the staff member saw my white cane and thought they'd make life easier for me.

I miss the spontaneous Saturday afternoon trips my friendship group used to do, but overall the on site experience is so much better. Now, if they get it so I can link my RAP card to my annual pass, and let me book both at once, that'd be great.
Specifically the person needing step free has to be row 9 left, I believe the weird blue thing on one of the trains is something to do with evacuation for non ambulant guests.
How is unstaffed merge supposed to work - it it just an honour system or is there something to prevent people using it to queue jump?

Surely if everyone just starting treating it as two separate entrances they'd be forced to so something about it as they'd just have 2 queues of equal length...?
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How is unstaffed merge supposed to work - it it just an honour system or is there something to prevent people using it to queue jump?

Surely if everyone just starting treating it as two separate entranced old they'd be forced to so something about it as they'd just have 2 queues of equal length...?
Yeh pretty much just honour... and no, it doesn't really work. Causes no end of issues. I guess when you're struggling with staff you've got to start cutting back somewhere though...
How is unstaffed merge supposed to work - it it just an honour system or is there something to prevent people using it to queue jump?

Surely if everyone just starting treating it as two separate entranced old they'd be forced to so something about it as they'd just have 2 queues of equal length...?

They are occasionally manned on peak days as the Pirate Falls one in particular can get quite aggressive.

But generally it's very much an honour system combined with the fact the majority of people don't know about it and when the queue is shorter than the merge point nobody notices.

Speaking of which i'm currently in Japan and lots of busy places have a "RAP" elevator, of which of the honour system is very much adhered to.
Yeh pretty much just honour... and no, it doesn't really work. Causes no end of issues. I guess when you're struggling with staff you've got to start cutting back somewhere though...
I used Duel's RAP ramp when it was first added and there was no merge host, it was a real pain having to squeeze onto the porch and I felt so uncomfortable. I was so relieved when I saw that Curse would have a merge host.
Haven't been on it for a little while but the merge point in Ninjago was hardly ever manned. Can't stand unmanned merge points, so uncomfortable trying to merge in. We always try to have something visible to show why we are using that queue but there is nothing to stop anyone using the RAP queues if there are no staff checking.
Sounds similar to our day yesterday.

But worth remembering Legoland shares queues with Fast-track so I wonder if they are selling more of those and closing RAP queues to accommodate as opposed to increasing RAP capacity.

I hardly saw anyone with a visible disability in the queues for what that’s worth.
Not used fast track before. I assume you have to book the rides if using fast track, so does it share the same system for booking a ride as RAP, so if a queue is closed for RAP will it also show as closed for fast track?
Not used fast track before. I assume you have to book the rides if using fast track, so does it share the same system for booking a ride as RAP, so if a queue is closed for RAP will it also show as closed for fast track?

Good question and one i don't know the answer to. The website says:

  • There will be times when Reserve and Ride holders will be required to wait past their allotted wait time due to unforeseen circumstances.
That makes it sound like it works the same as RAP. In which case i'd imagine Fast Track customers are getting priority as you're going to be straight to guest services if you've shelled out several hundred pounds and 6 rides are showing up as full.

Haven't been on it for a little while but the merge point in Ninjago was hardly ever manned. Can't stand unmanned merge points, so uncomfortable trying to merge in. We always try to have something visible to show why we are using that queue but there is nothing to stop anyone using the RAP queues if there are no staff checking.

NinjaGo was actually manned the last 2 times i went. I've complained about it previously being unmanned on every survey i get sent. Snitches get stitches but they're actively encouraging queue jumping the more people figure that out so it should always be manned if the queue is exceeding the merge imo.
- I hate digital RAP. I know hate is a strong word, but I do.
- I loathe the fact that at various points, I couldn't join a RAP queue, but could pay to join a fast track queue. It really doesn't sit well with me.

- I hate digital RAP. I know hate is a strong word, but I do.
- I loathe the fact that at various points, I couldn't join a RAP queue, but could pay to join a fast track queue. It really doesn't sit well with me.

Even though I don't use RAP, I disagree. I think digital RAP is the best way for RAP users to be more comfortable, be in the queue line the least amount of time, plan their day better and have a better experience. A park/ride can't manage a RAP queue in a paper-based world, causing queues to be closed, long queues, etc.

As for the FP issue, it's the same for all of us. Either wait a very long time (something that RAP guests cannot do) or pay to jump the queue.

I can't comment on the queue merging issue, other than to say I would 100% let a RAP group go before me. I have witnessed terrible behaviour in parks, and can't quite decide whether they are just terrible people or whether there is a "theme park mentality".
Either wait a very long time (something that RAP guests cannot do) or pay to jump the queue.
Except for when the RAP queue is just as long as the other queues, of course. Then most of them seem to cope just fine.

At work last week, I overheard someone asking,
"How does R.A.P. fastrack work at Thorpe Park?"

Took all my effort not to get involved.
I have witnessed terrible behaviour in parks, and can't quite decide whether they are just terrible people or whether there is a "theme park mentality".

It's terrible people, especially when you don't "look" disabled.

Except for when the RAP queue is just as long as the other queues, of course. Then most of them seem to cope just fine.

At work last week, I overheard someone asking,
"How does R.A.P. fastrack work at Thorpe Park?"

Took all my effort not to get involved.

Should've got involved. But this is why those who actually need it end up suffering.

Should probably rebrand the whole scheme. Emphasise the disability requirements and provide even more hoops to jump through. Make it harder to get, fewer people bother trying to cheat the system.
It's terrible people, especially when you don't "look" disabled.

Should've got involved. But this is why those who actually need it end up suffering.

Should probably rebrand the whole scheme. Emphasise the disability requirements and provide even more hoops to jump through. Make it harder to get, fewer people bother trying to cheat the system.
I hear this all the time at the SEN judo class my boy attends.
Parents openly admitting to using their kids to “skip queues”, one even forged documents to Nimbus as they were worried they would have to give it up.

It’s super frustrating
Forging documents so don't have to queue is so pathetic. Not like Nimbus are that strict either.

Think my response these days would be "remember, disabled is a minority we can make you a part of".
Forging documents so don't have to queue is so pathetic. Not like Nimbus are that strict either.

Think my response these days would be "remember, disabled is a minority we can make you a part of".
This is also true. A work colleague is RAP eligible because he’s type 1 diabetic.
He did no shenanigans - submitted the medical report to Nimbus, didn’t get the “can’t queue” symbol. Submitted this to AT who gave him RAP anyway.
These "terrible people" I mentioned aren't just horrible to RAP users - they are generally horrible to everyone. I, my Dad, and my son could all qualify for RAP - but we don't apply as we'd consider it abuse of the system. The problem is when so many others are abusing it you start questioning your decisions....

I know not all disabilities are physical and many are hidden. But as others have said, there is open abuse of the system. A digital system would make the "RAP fastpass" defunct, other than you queue "virtually" rather than physically. Which is, er, as it is meant to be.