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Ride Access Pass and Disabled Access - 2024 Discussion

Nothing is free from abuse. I merely made some suggestions. It can easily be solved by using a "Disney" like wristband for all. I have no idea why theme parks haven't implemented it in 2024.

It's 50p to build an NFC tag into a ticket - and it would make everyone's life easier and queues shorter
Ah. Yes. 50p for the NFC tag, but let’s ignore the hundreds of thousands for the backend systems 😂
Plus the servicing contracts and various updates. It's also relatively easy, with little knowledge, to clone or edit an NFC chip on pretty much any Android phone; unless you start paying silly money to secure everything.
I have no idea why theme parks haven't implemented it in 2024.
Nothing screams fun day out like a device designed to data mine and track every experience you, or your family, have.

Chip & PIN, and contactless payments, also hadn't been widely adopted in the US when the Disney bands were introduced in 2013. They needed a solution to encourage their guests to move over to cashless (guests don't realise how much they're spending, you can keep any residual money left over after a visit on a band, plenty of other benefits for the mouse).
Plus the servicing contracts and various updates. It's also relatively easy, with little knowledge, to clone or edit an NFC chip on pretty much any Android phone; unless you start paying silly money to secure everything.

Nothing screams fun day out like a device designed to data mine and track every experience you, or your family, have.
Ahh, such a promising first half to the post, then the tinfoil hat had to come out for the second 😜. It’s clearly not much of an issue to the millions of people that use it at Disney 😉

Having said that, it’s a moot point, because yeh Disney have sunk serious, serious money (10s of $millions) into it, not just 50p per wristband.
Ahh, such a promising first half to the post, then the tinfoil hat had to come out for the second 😜.
No tinfoil hat here, Disney are quite open with using the insights gained from the wristbands to "enhance the Disney experience".
It’s clearly not much of an issue to the millions of people that use it at Disney 😉
Hmm, neither was cancer to the billions of people who smoked, including Disney himself.
No tinfoil hat here, Disney are quite open with using the insights gained from the wristbands to "enhance the Disney experience".
Sorry, to be clear, I of course didn't mean to imply that Disney don't mine the data they gather to the extreme - of course they do. I meant more that realistically, to the vast majority, it really doesn't matter, is a fair price to pay for an incredible experience, and virtue signalling the supposed negatives is of little value.

Anyways, very off topic :)
Sorry, to be clear, I of course didn't mean to imply that Disney don't mine the data they gather to the extreme - of course they do. I meant more that realistically, to the vast majority, it really doesn't matter, is a fair price to pay for an incredible experience, and virtue signalling the supposed negatives is of little value.

Anyways, very off topic :)
20,679 Physicians say 'LUCKIES are less irritating' to the throat.
I'm here out of a mixture of frustration and desperation after trying to organise an annual Scare Fest and Fright Nights visit to Alton and Thorpe only to discover I can't go to either this year as RAP slots are already gone.

I'm a RAP holder, used to be a MAP holder but not for a few years now after too many bad experiences. I did not know the system had changed up until today when trying to book for the two spooky season events. Double-checked my email inbox in case I somehow missed a communication from Merlin, but nope, no email notifying me of the change. Just a whole bunch trying to get me to buy a MAP again.

Edit: I almost booked a Thorpe cabin stay without even realising the system had changed! The only reason I didn't was because the booking system was broken and returned an error. I just happened to click on the RAP FAQ while browsing the site in general, and, to my horror, that's when I found out about the new system.

After reading here how early slots have booked up, I guess I didn't stand a chance :(

I have the delightful combo of ASD, ADHD, sensory problems, Dyspraxia, and a fun combo of medication for a mixture of other physical issues that means I both get extremely dehydrated & frequently need to use a toilet as part of the meds' side effects.

Part of my sensory problems are auditory, but than can be helped by wearing ear plugs or ear defenders. The bigger issues are my tactile sensitivities which make it extremely difficult to be in enclosed spaces where people will end up brushing against me etc. That + the frequent need for the toilet are what granted me the queuing symbol on my Nimbus card & ultimately, a RAP. Both of which were things I was encouraged to apply for by a doctor I was seeing in relation to my autism and sensory difficulties.

As I imagine is the case for many neurodivergent people, my dad acts as my carer. When I was younger, in the days before I had RAP, we would only ever go to theme parks on rainy days outside of school holidays (basically, if he was rained off of work), and if visiting on a busier day, always purchase fast tracks. The handful of times we ended up unable to afford fast track and parks were busier than anticipated, the experience was awful. I wound up having meltdowns, and we left the park early with me in tears (this was before any diagnosis.)

It reached a point where I thought I was going to have to give up going to theme parks for good because all of the days that used to be 'safe' days seemed to be busier year on year.

Theme parks and horror are 2 of my special interests. I spend most of the year waiting for Halloween. Because of how stressful going to theme parks can be even with RAP, I limit my trips to once per year (for Scarefest at Alton and Fright Nights at Thorpe), even though I'd dearly love to be able to visit more often. Sadly, the stress can often outweigh the joy.

I don't even have the words to describe how it feels to find out that I can't even go at all this year. To say I'm utterly devastated would be an understatement.

I can understand the need for change in the RAP system as I've had some horrific experiences with it in the past as well as good ones. On multiple occasions, I've had no choice but to leave RAP queues because they're too long, and I'm unable to cope with that.

But how far in advance are RAP users expected to book these limited slots now and plan their days out?

When I can go depends on when my dad is able to accompany me (generally only weekends nowadays), and how my conditions are impacting me on any given day, as sometimes, I would be physically unable to travel and/or go outdoors.

We have never booked our Scare Fest or Fright Nights tickets before September in the past because it's just not really possible for us to do so.

So do we now need to watch the RAP booking system like hawks just to obtain a pass for days we may or may not be able to attend in the future?

If so, that seems like insanity, and not particularly accessible. With this new system in place, I am essentially unable to attend Scare Fest or Fright Nights this year for the first time.
So do we now need to watch the RAP booking system like hawks just to obtain a pass for days we may or may not be able to attend in the future?

Unfortunately yes is the answer. People do cancel slots (I certainly go out of my way to) so it’s worth checking up to and including the day.

The parks still using a physical card system (namely the two you wish to visit) offer an on the day standby system but obviously that’s very high risk for someone who is otherwise unable to access the park, especially if you’re not a MAP holder.

Slots for 2025 are now available so I’d recommend booking a couple of likely dates for the future. With AT and presumably TP you can amend them online at any time.

As an aside it’s nice to hear from someone else who was both unaware of the changes and reliant on last minute visits as despite my protestations some people seem reluctant to accept we exist.
That sounds awful. I hope you somehow find some other experiences to make up for (most probably) missing Scarefest and Fright Nights.

As suggested above, the best thing to do is probably book a few RAP slots for next year now and then just cancel the ones that you don't need closer to the time next year. I know a few people will be shouting at their screens hearing me say that, but that's the system that Merlin have created now. You either do that for these crazily busy dates, or you don't go. As simple as that. It's a case of if you can't beat the block-bookers - join them. I don't like the fact that this is how it works any more than anyone else, but this is what it's come to now unfortunately.

Until Merlin stop people block-booking dates this is how the system works now. The only time you can pretty much guarantee you don't have to book RAP months ahead is for term-time weekdays.
Having said that, it’s a moot point, because yeh Disney have sunk serious, serious money (10s of $millions) into it, not just 50p per wristband.
More like billions into it, I have seen a few estimations ranging from $1-2 billion (https://www.wired.com/2015/03/disney-magicband/)
It also really hasn't worked for Disney, their main aim was supposedly to disconnect you from your bank account similar to contactless payment, but that isn't too differnt to just paying with a card anyway and prople will be as irresponsible with their money as they will be.

Also how has the data side improved disneys business? It isn't like the bands give that much data, potentially just where people spend their money or what fadt passes they get, but both of these could be possible to track anyway.
I'm here out of a mixture of frustration and desperation after trying to organise an annual Scare Fest and Fright Nights visit to Alton and Thorpe only to discover I can't go to either this year as RAP slots are already gone.

I'm a RAP holder, used to be a MAP holder but not for a few years now after too many bad experiences. I did not know the system had changed up until today when trying to book for the two spooky season events. Double-checked my email inbox in case I somehow missed a communication from Merlin, but nope, no email notifying me of the change. Just a whole bunch trying to get me to buy a MAP again.

Edit: I almost booked a Thorpe cabin stay without even realising the system had changed! The only reason I didn't was because the booking system was broken and returned an error. I just happened to click on the RAP FAQ while browsing the site in general, and, to my horror, that's when I found out about the new system.

After reading here how early slots have booked up, I guess I didn't stand a chance :(

I have the delightful combo of ASD, ADHD, sensory problems, Dyspraxia, and a fun combo of medication for a mixture of other physical issues that means I both get extremely dehydrated & frequently need to use a toilet as part of the meds' side effects.

Part of my sensory problems are auditory, but than can be helped by wearing ear plugs or ear defenders. The bigger issues are my tactile sensitivities which make it extremely difficult to be in enclosed spaces where people will end up brushing against me etc. That + the frequent need for the toilet are what granted me the queuing symbol on my Nimbus card & ultimately, a RAP. Both of which were things I was encouraged to apply for by a doctor I was seeing in relation to my autism and sensory difficulties.

As I imagine is the case for many neurodivergent people, my dad acts as my carer. When I was younger, in the days before I had RAP, we would only ever go to theme parks on rainy days outside of school holidays (basically, if he was rained off of work), and if visiting on a busier day, always purchase fast tracks. The handful of times we ended up unable to afford fast track and parks were busier than anticipated, the experience was awful. I wound up having meltdowns, and we left the park early with me in tears (this was before any diagnosis.)

It reached a point where I thought I was going to have to give up going to theme parks for good because all of the days that used to be 'safe' days seemed to be busier year on year.

Theme parks and horror are 2 of my special interests. I spend most of the year waiting for Halloween. Because of how stressful going to theme parks can be even with RAP, I limit my trips to once per year (for Scarefest at Alton and Fright Nights at Thorpe), even though I'd dearly love to be able to visit more often. Sadly, the stress can often outweigh the joy.

I don't even have the words to describe how it feels to find out that I can't even go at all this year. To say I'm utterly devastated would be an understatement.

I can understand the need for change in the RAP system as I've had some horrific experiences with it in the past as well as good ones. On multiple occasions, I've had no choice but to leave RAP queues because they're too long, and I'm unable to cope with that.

But how far in advance are RAP users expected to book these limited slots now and plan their days out?

When I can go depends on when my dad is able to accompany me (generally only weekends nowadays), and how my conditions are impacting me on any given day, as sometimes, I would be physically unable to travel and/or go outdoors.

We have never booked our Scare Fest or Fright Nights tickets before September in the past because it's just not really possible for us to do so.

So do we now need to watch the RAP booking system like hawks just to obtain a pass for days we may or may not be able to attend in the future?

If so, that seems like insanity, and not particularly accessible. With this new system in place, I am essentially unable to attend Scare Fest or Fright Nights this year for the first time.
Sorry to hear that mate, you're certainly not the only one who's been caught out. As others have said there is a waitlist bit it's first come first served and not guaranteed, and keep checking the pre-book site as people do cancel.

If you do manage to get one, I would have thought the staff would let you use the exits if you explain that you regularly need to go to the toilet, given that's one of the reasons you qualify for the RAP in the first place.
Unfortunately yes is the answer. People do cancel slots (I certainly go out of my way to) so it’s worth checking up to and including the day.
That sounds like too much extra stress to me :( I already found it difficult to book a trip as it was before. The extra step would be fine if you could just tack it onto a ticket and not worry about availability, but having to constantly check or book up slots waaaay in advance is just too much for me.

We don't live near either of the parks, so have to book accommodation and stuff in order to visit (usually need 2-3 nights for an AT trip it's so far), as well as sort out the logistics of breaking the day-to-day routine of an all autistic household, which is it's own nightmare.

So yeah, I guess it's not just for spooky season, I may well never be able to visit AT or TP again thanks to this system. It sure feels like discrimination.

The people who come up with changes like this must never have had the experience of trying to book holidays where one or more of the party going away has one or more disability :( They may think it's one little extra step, but to people like me, it's a step too far that means I can't access the thing anymore.

I did look at 2025, but for me, it shows on both AT and TP that everything is greyed out/not bookable :( Not that Merlin deserve another penny out of me after making a change like this. I just wish there were theme park alternatives in this country. Unfortunately, we live in a location where nothing is close by.

Oh, and yeah, there must be many more like me who will only just find out about the change when trying to book a spooky event. What I'm really struggling to understand as well is why was Thorpe's website about to let me book a cabin stay with no notice on the RAP system change? There was no warning, alert, or anything. I had to go digging around and came across the info myself!

Many people will still be completely oblivious like I was because not everyone has gotten the message. I am signed up to Merlin's marketing, have had MAP in the past, have stayed in their hotels before, and have an active RAP, so why on earth was I not notified of the change?

I'm not on social media, but I get regular emails from Merlin. And I didn't see any obvious notices on either AT or TP's websites when looking at booking hotel stays & park tickets. If this is a change that was implemented at the start of the 2024 season, how have they not managed to get the message across to everyone yet via an email or something? o_O It's madness. Surely alert people when they're booking hotels and tickets too! Otherwise you end up having to ask for a refund for a stay you can't attend because you wouldn't be able to access the rides on the date of your booking.
That sounds awful. I hope you somehow find some other experiences to make up for (most probably) missing Scarefest and Fright Nights.

As suggested above, the best thing to do is probably book a few RAP slots for next year now
I don't think there will be anything else we can go to as we don't really live near much. We still have to book hotels for Merlin parks cos of the travel distance from home.

Going to AT and TP for spooky season has pretty much become ritual, I look forward to it every year as a small escape from the crappy reality of my life, and now even that's been taken away :(

It doesn't look like I can even try to book slots for next year either as they're all greyed out for me when I look.

I don't know exactly how it works or if my card would allow it either, as the expiry date on my card is 03/10/2025.

The thing is, the best we can narrow planning a trip in advance down to is the month itself, and I'm guessing it's not possible to book every Friday-Monday of every weekend in a month. We just don't know when we will be able to make the trip because it involves so much other planning and logistics besides the booking of park & hotel tickets that, chances are, even if we did manage to book a few different RAP days in advance, we'd wind up needing to change them. It's just not even remotely practical :(

I do appreciate the advice though, so thank you.
October RAP booking opened on the 13th August.

Think they were mostly gone a day or two after.

Therein lies the rub, and due to way the system is perceived and was utilised; Merlin have created a lose-lose situation for many who need it but aren't aware of it. Especially when warnings for such were removed from relevant websites a while ago (after they had to put them up after the initial outcry).

Towers at the start of season were lenient about it. Thorpe were zero tolerance on it.

The way it's been organised this year has not been great. And is fighting against many who still are aiming to book as many dates as possible to maximise... something? Guess it's those who make having a MAP their entire personality.

There's a lot for Merlin to digest over the RAP situation over the closed season. I just hope they don't revert back to the previous system as a kneejerk response to the criticism, as it will not fix things at all since why else did they have to implement this in the first place?

If you want spooky season stuff, it might even be worth looking abroad. Liseberg allowed RAP use for their mazes.
Oh, and yeah, there must be many more like me who will only just find out about the change when trying to book a spooky event. What I'm really struggling to understand as well is why was Thorpe's website about to let me book a cabin stay with no notice on the RAP system change? There was no warning, alert, or anything. I had to go digging around and came across the info myself!

There is an info box that appears on the checkout page when booking a Thorpe stay, the same message is programmed into the other resorts hotel booking system.

So yeah, I guess it's not just for spooky season, I may well never be able to visit AT or TP again thanks to this system. It sure feels like discrimination.

The people who come up with changes like this must never have had the experience of trying to book holidays where one or more of the party going away has one or more disability :( They may think it's one little extra step, but to people like me, it's a step too far that means I can't access the thing anymore.
I think to be fair the blame lies far more with RAP users who block-book dates months in advance on the off-chance they'll visit, rather than when they know they will. It's simple abuse of the system.
Sorry to hear that mate, you're certainly not the only one who's been caught out. As others have said there is a waitlist bit it's first come first served and not guaranteed, and keep checking the pre-book site as people do cancel.

If you do manage to get one, I would have thought the staff would let you use the exits if you explain that you regularly need to go to the toilet, given that's one of the reasons you qualify for the RAP in the first place.
Having a waitlist is a good idea, but it doesn't help so much if, like me, you have to make a holiday out of the thing and book several hotels to account for both the travel & time at the park :(

We normally go on 2 consecutive days to the park itself + allow another 2 for travel since it's so far away and I only get to go once a year. Also because it's virtually impossible to do everything I'd like to do in 1 day at AT even with RAP if the Skyride is down, as both me and my dad have arthritis in our knees and hips, so we're not the fastest of movers, and with all my toilet trips, it just kinda takes a while to do much of anything, haha.

We have tried explaining the toilet situation to staff with varying degrees of success in the past. Sometimes they're really understanding and helpful, other times it's like they just want to pretend I don't exist. The toilet problem and queuing is an even bigger problem at AT than TP because sometimes the toilets can be too far. Tbh, I wish I didn't have to explain it at all as it's embarrassing :( My dad does it for me because I can't bring myself to speak to staff (I have bad social anxiety too, yay!), but even still, it's just an extra layer of stress to the visit.

Even with RAP in the past, things were never ideal, but at least it made it bearable in some aspects compared to attempting to visit without it. It wasn't perfect by any means, but it meant I could actually access the park, and that meant the world to me. I almost didn't care that some things were still difficult and stressful, I was just grateful I could go at all! And now that's just gone and I'm back to the way it was before I found out I could have a RAP, unable to visit.
There is an info box that appears on the checkout page when booking a Thorpe stay, the same message is programmed into the other resorts hotel booking system.

Ah, right, I didn't find that out because when I went to book, on the rooms section, clicking 'book now' wouldn't allow me to proceed last night. It just told me there was an error of some sort (can't remember the exact message), and to try again later.

I'd also been trying to book tickets in general just to check prices & extras, and got to the extras step there with no notice on the change.

I checked the websites first for general event info, then spent a couple of days looking at potential hotels to book before resigning myself to the fact that the shark cabin was probably going to be the easier option, even if not the best value. So I wasted a lot of time researching hotels and stuff while still completely oblivious to the change!

Edit: Re-reading that, I realise there's a problem with the message... if that's the full notice, they don't mention that there's a cap on the pre-books. So if I were making that booking looking at the page as it appears in that screen cap, I would think, oh, right, fair enough, I'll go do that after I finish this booking then... only to discover it's impossible because the date I've booked the hotel for is out of RAP availability.
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