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Scarefest 2024

It is possible that's also the case, the two don't have to be mutually exclusive, but that would fly against the more recent interviews that Alton Towers management have had with vloggers one on one, or even inviting a vlogger to take over a rollercoaster for a day.

They don't need to entice the audiences, or membership, of Attraction Source or theme park vloggers, they've already got them tied up.
And that creators conference thing they held a few weeks ago.
I think it’s more that Towers seem to be distancing themselves from fan sites and vlogger types. They might do their own behind the scenes but I think the primary reason is they just want to keep fan sites at arms length.
But Towers have engaged with Social Media/Vloggers more recently, even going as far as Bianca appearing on Theme Park Worldwide, which is a far more controversial ‘brand’ than TowersTimes has been in recent years. Not to mention the enthusiast bidding event there was recently.

Unless perspective has changed under new management recently?
Or maybe Towers/Merlin are fed up of negative comments from enthusiasts over the course of the year and are probably saying, "to hell with them!" 🤪
It’s not the comments from us that are the problem, it’s the tens of hundreds of comments from members of the public on Facebook and Twitter on every post Towers make complaining about the same things we’re mentioning here.
It’s not the comments from us that are the problem, it’s the tens of hundreds of comments from members of the public on Facebook and Twitter on every post Towers make complaining about the same things we’re mentioning here.
Aye, but given how we were the first to point out the negative views first before everyone else followed through but nonetheless they'll lump everyone together no matter if they are enthusiasts or not.
The TowersTimes/Attraction Source events are paid for, not free events for fans. I don't think it's anything to do with distancing from fan sites. Towers hardly engage with fan sites in an official capacity anyway.

If anything, it's either poor customer service (Towers have now lost £££s for an event whereas Thorpe will be gaining that) or they do genuinely not have the capacity to host such events as they once used to. Given the cuts we've seen, that would not be surprising. Hopefully the corporate customers are getting better treatment.
Thought this is interesting, Towers Times / Attraction Source have been unable to negotiate the event they want to put on at Alton Towers (mainly as they won’t offer a behind the scenes) so it’s moving to Thorpe Park.
Okay when and how can I book this?