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Scarefest 2024

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I can't quite place it but I'm 90% sure I have seen Vampurr before (same name and everything) I just can't remember from what, but I feel like it was either some kids brand being advertised on youtube or a mascot horror game (maybe Poppy's Playtime or one of its many knockoffs)
I have a feeling that the boat ride is potentially at or coming up to end of life and may have been since it turned into the dungeons.

I understand it ran on timeslots so wasn't operational all day long as a ride for a very long time. I wouldn't be surprised if the Dungeons was the park's way of running the boat ride system conservatively until they had bigger plans for the area.

It ran every hour or so to get through a set amount of guests who booked onto the Dungeons on each timeslot.

Truth be told, it likely needed to have water in the trough the whole time so not sure if that had an impact.

Correct me if I'm wrong.
I am wondering that may not use the dungeons, or may expand Haribo into it.
the attic and altonvill are from last year and assuming they keep the same location, it would be in the towers likewise Haribo was in the dungeons building.

Compound is probably going next to nemesis
das games is staying in the hospitality suite (I have seen images of construction walls going up around there)

the after life we are not sure where it is going.

so there are 2 locations that afterlife could go, the darkest depths location, or the dungeons, and I can't see anything else that could use the other location.
I don't know for sure but I suspect the time slots were purely to group people together a bit better, due to how few people were going through. It doesn't really make sense to run continuously for just a couple of people at a time.

The ride system is incredibly simple and durable, I'd be surprised if there's anything serious wrong with it
Is the boat ride system a free flowing gravity fed system (aka CRR and Log Flume) or are the boats on underwater tracks?

I suspect the latter?

Sorry, slightly off topic I know.
Is the boat ride system a free flowing gravity fed system (aka CRR and Log Flume) or are the boats on underwater tracks?

I suspect the latter?

Sorry, slightly off topic I know.
I believe it’s free flowing, if I’m not mistaken.

I thought the only real guidance system was the trough itself, and the actual river was free flowing (albeit with a much slower current than a rapids or flume). In fact, I believe the actual model name from Mack Rides is the “Free Flow Boat Ride”.
Seeing a few rumours they will be closing cbeebies at 5pm even during scarefest that's so poor if true the park should communicate it ASAP last few years it's been 7pm I booked a 2 night stay for my daughter and she has been so excited for this and now looks like a complete waste of money when speaking with live chat they confirmed it's normally 7pm understand it wouldn't be packed in there but it's just so poor
Seeing a few rumours they will be closing cbeebies at 5pm even during scarefest that's so poor if true the park should communicate it ASAP last few years it's been 7pm I booked a 2 night stay for my daughter and she has been so excited for this and now looks like a complete waste of money when speaking with live chat they confirmed it's normally 7pm understand it wouldn't be packed in there but it's just so poor
Just to confirm. You've reached out to the park, over live chat, and they've confirmed that CBeebies will close at 7pm (contrary to the rumours you've heard). What's the problem?
I don’t understand what’s wrong with the park closing CBeebies at 7pm as the age group it’s aimed at will usually be a sleep by 8pm.
As for the mazes I bet the bigger % of guests buying maze tickets will be Alton Towers or Merlin Annual pass holders as they will be happy to buy all 4.
Where I would be more than happy to do the scare zone and spend my time riding Nemesis, Thirteen and Wickerman in the dark.
As for vloggers not allowed to film inside the mazes and for them to do a preview event. They know already that they will more than likely will say that maze really needs to go, Daz games was even worst than last year, The entertainment on the stage needs refreshing etc.
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I don’t understand what’s wrong with the park closing CBeebies at 7pm as the age group it’s aimed at will usually be a sleep by 8pm.
As for the mazes I bet the bigger % of guests buying maze tickets will be Alton Towers or Merlin Annual pass holders as they will be happy to buy all 4.
Where I would be more than happy to do the scare zone and spend my time riding Nemesis, Thirteen and Wickerman in the dark.
As for vloggers not allowed to film inside the mazes and for them to do a preview event. They know already that they will more than likely will say that maze really needs to go, Daz games was even worst than last year, The entertainment on the stage needs refreshing etc.
I'm pretty sure the channel goes off air at 7pm so don't really see why Cbeebies Land needs to open for longer than that.
I don’t think the drama is around 7pm (as I’m sure it closes then last year?) but there’s a chance it closes at 5pm like during Oktoberfest
Even then, the younger ones tend to leave around 5pm and it gets darker sooner. Towards the end of October, the rapids will likely close before then as it closes at dusk.

I'd imagine if Paultons opened until 9pm, Peppa Pig World may close not much later. I'm thinking 6-7pm the latest. Similar with Thomas Land or Nickelodeon Land although the latter may be slightly later as it covers a wider age group of kids than the others.
I'm thinking 6-7pm the latest. Similar with Thomas Land or Nickelodeon Land although the latter may be slightly later as it covers a wider age group of kids than the others.
When Drayton Manor Park and Zoo had extended opening hours, until 9pm last summer, Thomas Land was open throughout until park close.
I don’t think the drama is around 7pm (as I’m sure it closes then last year?) but there’s a chance it closes at 5pm like during Oktoberfest
This is the concern which @popey85 had, the rumours of a 5pm closure. According to their post, they have confirmed with the park that CBeebies Land is closing at 7pm (in line with previous years). As always this could be subject to a last minute change, as with everything else at a theme park, and the best laid plans o' mice and men.
From the wording of the post above I would not be at all confident of cbeebies staying open until 7pm during scarefest. Firstly, live chat agents may not be 100% aware of the full impact of operational cuts. Secondly, until this year, cbeebies "normally" stayed open until late on octoberfest days. If one normal has changed, why not another?
From the wording of the post above I would not be at all confident of cbeebies staying open until 7pm during scarefest. Firstly, live chat agents may not be 100% aware of the full impact of operational cuts. Secondly, until this year, cbeebies "normally" stayed open until late on octoberfest days. If one normal has changed, why not another?

Agreed, the precedent for hours to be amended with no warning has well and truly been set this year.

Waterpark hours were amended from as late as 8pm to 5pm all summer.

Scarefest hours originally advertised as 9pm close were reduced to 8pm.

CBeebies hours were cut to 5pm on 7pm close dates for Oktoberfest for the first time.

I would have no comfort that CBeebies opening until 7pm in the past for Scarefest meant it would happen in 2024.
I'm getting rather tempted to email and ask, just to get a definitive answer, despite having no stake or interest.

Ought to note though, that the Alton Towers website states the following, in the family fun section for Scarefest:

Rides at Dusk​

With rides open until late, experience some of your favourite CBeebies Land and family attractions when the sky gets a little darker!
Source: https://www.altontowers.com/explore/events/scarefest/family-fun/
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