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Scarefest 2024

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Hidden away in the Help Centre, I've found a list of the individual maze prices for this year;

Attic: £12
Mine Tours: £12
Compound: £12
Panic Reloaded: £12
Trick o Treat Town: £8
Amigos In The Afterlife: £8

So, Attic, Mine Tours and Panic are all more expensive than previously (Panic was £10 last year with Mine Tours and Attic being £8 each), and Trick or Treat Town is cheaper than previously (£10 in it's first year then £12 last year).
Hidden away in the Help Centre, I've found a list of the individual maze prices for this year;

Attic: £12
Mine Tours: £12
Compound: £12
Panic Reloaded: £12
Trick o Treat Town: £8
Amigos In The Afterlife: £8

So, Attic, Mine Tours and Panic are all more expensive than previously (Panic was £10 last year with Mine Tours and Attic being £8 each), and Trick or Treat Town is cheaper than previously (£10 in it's first year then £12 last year).
As a comparison, the frights combi is £34-38, so a £10-14 saving. The Spooks & frights combi is £50 so a £14 saving. Both packages pretty much mean buy three and get one maze free.
Slightly off topic, but relatable to the cuts in Scarefest hours. Has the park ever considered building some staff accommodation which it could let out at a subsidised rate? I know staying overnight won’t be suitable for everyone, but holiday parks that require Ents teams to be doing long shifts every day during peak seasons seem to offer it no problem.

They may have staff accommodation already, but if not I find it bewildering. Especially given the remote location.
Either way. Won’t be 7pm like it used to
Think previously Get Set Go and In the Night Garden both closed at "dusk", with everything else closing at 7pm. So it looks like they've decided to close the whole land at "dusk" this season instead.
A quick Google tells me that sunset is approx 18:17 next Friday.

Dusk is such a vague term.
Dusk at Alton for Saturday 12th October, according to the Met Office, is 18:52.

It's the darkest part of twilight, which occurs just after sunset but before nightfall. The technical definition is the point when the center of the sun is 18° below the horizon..
Slightly off topic, but relatable to the cuts in Scarefest hours. Has the park ever considered building some staff accommodation which it could let out at a subsidised rate? I know staying overnight won’t be suitable for everyone, but holiday parks that require Ents teams to be doing long shifts every day during peak seasons seem to offer it no problem.

They may have staff accommodation already, but if not I find it bewildering. Especially given the remote location.
Have heard that staff accommodation can be "problematic"...
Lots of young people, away from home for the first time, living with other young people.
Management nightmare.

Once read a very amusing piece about the young staff accommodation at Cedar Point...the police had it closed down at one point due to "issues"...allegedly.
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