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Secret Weapon 7 Discussion

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DiogoJ42 said:
I have exclusive footage of the prototye trick track testing...
lol :p

I seem to remember one of them turning up in a worst ride topic.
Very nice logo design, very clean cut and clinical. The usage of the swirl in the O of Joy is also extremely smart.
While I like it, this isn't coming across as representing an institution that has just reopened after 50 years.
Tom said:
While I like it, this isn't coming across as representing an institution that has just reopened after 50 years.

Like any organisation it's had a refreshing rebrand and restructure, I get the feeling though the idea isn't that the Ministry of Joy has ever stopped operating. It's that the Sanctuary has been defunct for a while and has just be re-opened
I can accept that, but it comes across as another Thirteen scaffolding-type thing that people wouldn't immediately get, which I think the average Joe should for optimum effect.
From the TowersStreet Facebook page:

The SW7 site is looking busy today, with concrete slabs being slotted into steel I-beams.

Mmm...Concrete... :p
My dad pours it and we have a mixer in the yard if you like it that much. :p Joking aside it is really nice to see what we would call proper progress after just seeing a huge muddy hole for a few months.
With all this talk of progress, you'd be led to believe that it HADN'T widdled it down in the night and washed all the poured concrete away.
I find it quite amusing the concrete was washed away by the rain. You'd think they would check on the weather and cancel. It's rather worrying that things like this are causing hassles on site.
So AT have used both worlds first, and also world beating in the marketing... Does this mean 2 elements?

Edit;; Just after I clicked the post button I Realized.. Worlds first rotating track and World beating no. of inversions.
Sorry for a waste of post..... :3 Ignore this post...
Hmm we really need a 'delete post' button
Bear said:
With all this talk of progress, you'd be led to believe that it HADN'T widdled it down in the night and washed all the poured concrete away.

Bit of a waste of money - I have no idea how much concrete costs but they poured quite a lot yesterday didn't they?
On the first day of concrete they poured loads of it. Only to find the next morning it had all been washed away. Then more concrete was poured, and that's been washed away too! So they are back at square one.

It seems today the concrete slabs have been going into place around the hole. They really need to get a move on with pouring concrete on site though and getting the footers ready for track!
The Psychoaster said:
Bit of a waste of money - I have no idea how much concrete costs but they poured quite a lot yesterday didn't they?

6 cubic metres of concrete costs about £700.
Holy crap! they must be quite angry. And it's probably going to make the coaster open late. :(
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