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Secret Weapon 7 Discussion

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Don't forget though, Th13teens drop track section came on the back of the truck already part assembled. If the suggested is to happened then no real reason why they can't have some of it pre-assembled - unlikely, but could happen although it it too soon.

EDIT: /\ The above photo is this below \/

Turbine tower delivery passing through Edenfield.

On Saturday the 31st of May 2008 the last of the twenty six turbine towers was delivered to the Scout Moor Wind Farm construction site high up on the moors above Rochdale.

Seen here on Market Street in the village of Edenfield is Colletts MAN 8x4 heavy duty tractor unit Reg No YJ56 KLS hauling a lowloader with the bottom section of Turbine Tower No 17 on board.
The tower was constructed during the first week of June 2008.
That video looks more realistic than the first suggestion. But it contradicts the idea of a glass bottomed shop as all you would see is the workings of the LHC.

It's a nice idea, but in reality I imagine it'll be dull and possibly painful
I always thought that it meant the track itself rotating, not a piece of track attatched to a drum.

If it was just the track rotating, then the glass floor idea would work, as you could see what's happening, whereas if it's in a drum, you can't see it and it just becomes ugly.
If it is the secret element, if there was going to be trick track I would assume it would be a 180 turn of the track then release into a half loop, it would feel much like the inverted lift hill on MS X-Cars. Just spinning people in what is affectively a tumble dryer will not impress the GP anymore than sending them through a few heart line rolls.
The idea would tie-up with the 'face' logo etc. It would be 'world beating' as in inversions, and could again be added upon to keep the title.

Not sure it would be comfortable, exciting ( after the 1st ) or thrilling.

I can see the element of surprise being good for 1st time riders, but then why the glass floor?

I can't imagine the glass floor showing this 'secret' element, unless you can only walk over the glass floor after the ride. Then you go into the main shop after walking over the glass floor. Basically only people that have been on it can see it.

Shouldn't decrease throughput though unless the time it takes its longer than section 1 of the track.

If the que sis building up they could always reduce the amount of spins, as much as put it up to beat the record.

This could really play into the hands of Alton. Could they claim 'world first 100 inversion coaster' should they do it just the once? Stupid, but really, if it does it once then it is a record isn't it?
It does fit with other rumours of a "pre show" before the main ride, but I was expecting more than this. It would need some good effects to be seen from outside the drum to make it enjoyable. Rotating in a giant tube on its own would be worse than the air tunnel...
I can't imagine breaking down whilst upside down in the drum would be very fun, although I guess they've probably designed some sort of release mechanism that would set the cars the right way up in case it did. That is if this is what the the world first on SW7 is going to be.
If the drum was majoratively made up of Perspex panels then there could be a one way glass wall anywhere around the side or top and the rotations would be visible. That'd probably be what would happen if this really was the secret element.

Doesn't this image contradict the whole idea of having a glass viewing area. The Rebar is placed in such a way that you can see the layout of the track in the underground section.

There is no space to have any secret element. Either the whole concept is a fake or the viewing gallery idea was incorrect.

If you spy the traffic cone at the top of the picture there is a flat area which will be housed inside a seperate side building (see plans). I believe this area would be perfect for the trick track. You can see to the left of the cone an opening wide enough for track. Judging from the rebar directly below it looks like we'll see a vertical drop a sharp turn and an inline twist (rebar placed on either side of the twist). I assume then the track will travel upwards and out up the lift hill.

The issue I can see however is that hole is pretty deep and the lift hill exit point is on ground level. I'm unsure how the car will have enough momentum to get out of the hole.
I'm still not buying the washing machine idea.

It would be painful, boring, defeats the object of a glass floor and it is just a waste of money! I know Alton Towers have created gimmicks in the past, although this goes beyond any level I think Alton would go to.

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I think this is pretty spot on - not expecting any amazing trick track as we have a solid coaster layout. Its a neat idea that if done with show elements should fit in with the theme nicely.

Pretty pleased!
Like James I'm not convinced, the trick track rumour has been around for a while and like I said I could see a 180 twist into a half loop but multiple twists would seem silly and I think would be questionable to anyone other than Guinness as a world record holder (Guinness are surprisingly lax with their requirements for records)
James said:
I'm still not buying the washing machine idea.

It would be painful, boring, defeats the object of a glass floor and it is just a waste of money! I know Alton Towers have created gimmicks in the past, although this goes beyond any level I think Alton would go to.

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk

I have to say that it's coming accross as either grossly misinformed or simply a hoax to me as well.

In my mind, it wouldn't be able to operate reliabily and quickly enough. We more or less know they will be targeting a throughput of around 1,300 people per hour on this ride so without higher capacity cars, I can't see this being able to accomodate that. The track design/type also makes it pretty unlikely we'd be seeing substantially bigger cars than standard Euro ones.

This element would be very gimmicky indeed, much more so than Thirteen's drop and it'd also be very hard to market it/describe what it was in an effective marketing one-liner.
This is getting a little boring going over old ground, we know something that hasn't been done before happens inside that building or the layout on the plans is incorrect.
The idea that the world first or world beating element is duelling or vertical launch is laughable.
I get the impression that the only reason this is being scoffed at is because it was on TT.
Look at the size of the hole, that hole covers the whole site at one end and is a lot deeper than would be required for the cobra roll and is directly under the shop, and it fits in with the marketing ie swirls and twisting track.
I have to say if this was done correctly in terms of speed and lighting it would disorientate you fantastically for a launch up the first hill and would be both a world first and a world beater.
I have a message that Boz has asked me to post which might clear up a few things:

Boz said:
I was the one who created the model. I would like to say for the record, and to clear up any confusion. It is purely representational of how the mechanism could work, and not of a final product. We expect that if this is accurate, it will be in the dark, and accompanied by many disorientating special/scare effects.
The drum was purely for effect, and has no inclusion in the mechanism. But I did consider it as a possibility, given the hypnosis theme that seems to be emerging. If you look a bit closer, you will see the track in the model is attached to two rings, which I believe will be rotated in a very similar way to a trommel.
I also do not believe that the trick track will be below the shop, but below the maintenance bay at ground level, before joining the lift hill. I do however believe the ride will pass below the shop after a steep drop.

Below is a diagram of how he personally believes the indoor section will look:


The main point to note is that he believes the trick track will be in the maintenance area. The part under the shop (which might or might not be visible) is a regular section of track. This matches the footers that have just appeared and matches what morgano was just saying.
BigT said:
This is getting a little boring going over old ground, we know something that hasn't been done before happens inside that building or the layout on the plans is incorrect.
The idea that the world first or world beating element is duelling or vertical launch is laughable.
I get the impression that the only reason this is being scoffed at is because it was on TT.
Look at the size of the hole, that hole covers the whole site at one end and is a lot deeper than would be required for the cobra roll and is directly under the shop, and it fits in with the marketing ie swirls and twisting track.
I have to say if this was done correctly in terms of speed and lighting it would disorientate you fantastically for a launch up the first hill and would be both a world first and a world beater.

Most people here that doubt the concept have actually made a lot of valid arguments and taken time to explain why they think it wouldn't work. No one has simply said it's rubbish because it's come from TowersTimes.

"The world's first vertical freefall drop rollercoaster" as a marketing claim was pushing it a bit on Thirteen, and attempting to describe a launch into a lift hill as a world's first would be even more of a nightmare.
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